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Published byColette Carbonneau Modified over 6 years ago
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 17 April 2012
Presentation Outline 1. Mandate 2. Strategic Objectives
/13 Programme Plans and Targets - Administration - Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination - University Education - Vocational and Continuing Education and Training - Skills Development 4. Risks and Mitigating Measures /13 MTEF Budget Information
Higher Education and Training Mandate
On the demand side: Ensure that the skills needed to drive our country’s economic growth and social development is delivered at an increasing rate Availability of quality skills will enhance both investment and service delivery On the supply side: Must serve a growing number of young people and adults Provide different entry points into and pathways through the learning system Quality learning wherever learning takes place - Easy pathways across the different learning sites
Strategic Objectives 1. Expand access to education and training for the youth 2. Adequately capacitated institutions 3. Increase the number of students successfully entering the labour market upon completion of training 4. Expand research, development and innovation capacity for economic growth and social development 5. Colleges that are responsive to the demands of the market place with a special emphasis on artisan training 6. Credible institutional mechanisms for skills planning to support an inclusive economic growth path 7. Highly effective, professional, efficient administration informed by good corporate governance practices
Programme 1: Administration
As at 30 September 2011: had an approved establishment of posts, 795 of which were funded The 105 posts additional to the establishment were interns who had been contracted for 12 months for workplace training across the department 900 posts were filled Over the MTEF period, filled posts are expected to increase to 976 as additional funds are made available from savings made in the department The ratio of support staff to line staff in the department was 1:4 The ratio of consultants to the total number of department personnel was 1:90 for 2011/12
Programme 1: Administration ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12
TARGETS FOR 2012/13 Vacancy rate in the department: 26.67% Vacancy rate in the department reduced to 15% Average of 6 months to fill a vacancy 4 months to fill a vacancy Fraud and anti-corruption policy developed and approved. Fraud and anti-corruption policy implemented and whistle blowing system developed. DHET policy on PMDS developed and approved 100% compliance with current performance management framework. 100% compliance to Supply Chain Management and logistical policies and standards ICT governance maturity level 0 ICT governance maturity level 1 achieved 120 days to resolve disciplinary cases 90 days to resolve disciplinary cases Website functional 365 days a year with quarterly news letters published User friendly and updated website functional 365 days a year with quarterly news letters published 100% response to all queries via call centre 100% and timeous response to all queries via call centre 90% compliance with Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) 98% compliance with Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Less than 1% of asset lost and / or unauthorised movements
Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12 TARGETS FOR 2012/13 New indicator 80% of public institutional data integration into education and training management information system (Public FET and HE institutions and SETAs) Tender awarded for the development of first phase A coherent career management and information system established and maintained (2 modules ) Total number of users reached by career guidance services: Radio million Exhibitions Helpline Total number of users reached by career guidance services: Radio 2.7 million; Exhibitions ; Helpline and Web portal An academic journal for Higher Education and Training will be published
Programme 2: HR Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12 TARGETS FOR 2012/13 New indicator International relations operational framework strategy developed and approved for implementation Implementation plans with priority countries and multilateral agencies are developed and implemented A publication on International cooperation will be produced Database of international engagements of all public post school institutions is maintained 100% litigations dealt with Deal with all litigations against the DHET or Minister A policy document on social inclusion, equity and transformation services within the DHET and its entities will be developed Ministerial policy guidelines developed Annual Ministerial policy guidelines in regard to actions needed to implement the statutory functions assigned to the Minister, Director-General, SAQA, CHE, Umalusi and QCTO in terms of the National Qualifications Act
Programme 3: University Education ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12
TARGETS FOR 2012/13 Total headcount enrolment over population years to reach 17.8% Total headcount enrolment over population years to reach 17.9% first time enrolments at universities first time enrolments at universities 18 higher education institutions involved in foundation phase teacher education 20 higher education institutions involved in foundation phase teacher education students in foundation provisioning programmes at universities students in foundation provisioning programmes at universities African students at universities of African students at universities female students at universities female students at universities New indicator Improved use of foundation provisioning funds 74% success 76% success rate graduates from universities graduates from universities students enrolled in higher education studies at universities students enrolled in higher education studies at universities graduates in engineering sciences graduates in engineering sciences from
Programme 3: University Education ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12
TARGETS FOR 2012/13 8 095 graduates in human health and animal health from universities 8 535 graduates in human health and animal health from universities 4 683 graduates in natural and physical sciences from universities 5 052 graduates in natural and physical sciences from universities 8 500 graduate in initial teacher education from universities 9 700 graduates in initial teacher education from universities 74% of public higher education institutions with good governance and management 78% of public higher institutions with good governance and management post graduate graduates post graduate graduates 4 641 masters graduates 4 978 masters graduates 1 637 doctoral graduates 1 785 doctoral graduates publications of publications Ratio of research output units per instructional / research staff 1:24 Ratio of research output units per instructional / research staff 1:30
Development of Academics
Proposal ready (implementation in 2012) for development of: Next generation of academics (identifying potential) New generation of academics (nurturing potential) Current generation of academics (working with those in the system to develop into good teachers and researchers) Funding to be secured Strengthening Foundation Phase Teacher Education Progamme Strong staff development aspect including appointment and mentoring of new staff for 7 new FPTE programmes Two funding streams in 2012 with new criteria for allocation linked to the development of academics: Teaching Development Grant Research Development Grant
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12 TARGETS FOR 2012/13 learners enrolled in Adult Education and Training (AET) level 1-4 learners enrolled in AET Level 1-4 headcount enrolments (FET colleges (public) headcount enrolments in public Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges programmes NC(V) and Report 191 students awarded bursaries NC(V) and report 191 students awarded bursaries National Senior Certificate for Adults (NASCA) qualification policy gazetted Curriculum support programmes for NASCA developed 6 colleges offering higher education programmes 8 Colleges offering NQF Level 5-6 programmes
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12 TARGETS FOR 2012/13 Certification rates in the VET qualification increasing to: GETC: 25%NC(V) L2: 39%NC(V) L3: 40%NC(V) L4: 42% N1-N3: 26% N4-N6: 34% GETC: 30% NC(V) L2: 44% NC(V) L3: 45% NC(V) L4: 47% N1-N3: 33% N4-N6: 40% Pass rate in Maths and Maths Literacy: Mathematics: NC(V) L2: 22% NC(V) L3: 16% NC(V) L4: 16% Mathematics Literacy: NC(V) L2: 29% NC(V) L3: 27% NC(V) L4: 37% NC(V) L2: 32% NC(V) L3: 26% NC(V) L4: 26% NC(V) L2: 39% NC(V) L3: 37% NC(V) L4: 47%
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12 TARGETS FOR 2012/13 Certification rates of bursary recipients: NC(V) L2: 28% NC(V) L3: 30% NC(V) L4: 35% N1-N3: 35% N4-N6: 35% NC(V) L2: 39% NC(V) L3: 42% NC(V) L4: 43% N1-N3: 40% N4-N6: 40% 126 personnel in VCET trained 128 personnel in vocational education and training institutions trained to support curriculum delivery in AET and Colleges New indicator 276 personnel in vocational education and training institutions trained in financial management 20 Colleges with fully constituted councils 50 fully constituted college councils An analysis of the HRM & P practices in 20 colleges A generic Human Resource Management & Planning framework will be developed
Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12 TARGETS FOR 2012/13 750 Lecturers trained to support new curriculum delivery 700 lecturers trained to support new curriculum delivery 23 PED officials trained to support new curriculum delivery 60 Provincial Education Departments officials trained to support new curriculum delivery 126 lecturers, Student Support Services (SSS) managers and Provincial Department of Education/Regional offices officials trained to implement the comprehensive student support services framework 128 lecturers, SSS managers and PDE/Regional offices officials trained to implement the comprehensive student support services framework Implementation of business management standard expanded to 7 colleges Implementation of Business management system standard expanded to 8 colleges New indicator A model for FET college expansion developed
Programme 5: Skills Development ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12
TARGETS FOR 2012/13 artisan candidates found competent nationally 3 400 graduates receiving WIL 8 500 graduates receiving Work Integrated Learning (WIL) All SETAs implement NSDS III with approved SLAs All SETAs implementing NSDS III with approved Service Level Agreements (SLAs) All SETAs' Strategic Plans aligned to Sector Skills Plans and approved All SETAs’ Strategic Plans aligned to the Sector Skills Plans and approved R2.2 billion earmarked to support 215 projects R 2.3 billion earmarked to support 400 projects of national priority learners trained in National Skills Fund (NSF) projects learners will be trained within NSF projects Draft learning regulations issued for public comment Learning programme regulations aligned to the Occupational Qualifications Framework - draft Learning Regulations issued for public comment
Programme 5: Skills Development ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE: 2011/12
TARGETS FOR 2012/13 Best practice Framework and Guideline approved by NSA Best Practice Framework and Guideline implemented Business needs and requirements developed for a national question bank for trade testing System for management of trade test tasks developed and piloted at 5 test centres Draft regulations developed Draft Agency Regulation issued for public comment 2 forum meetings 4 forum meetings with SETAs to improve communication 4 quarterly NSDS implementation reports produced
Risks and Mitigating Measures
RISK DESCRIPTION MITIGATING MEASURES 1. Inadequacy of budget to fill vacancies Motivation to treasury for an increased allocation of compensation budget. 2. Legal and regulatory compliance Development of necessary policies, procedures and internal controls as well as assigned responsibility 3. Unsuitable and inadequate office environment Motivation to Treasury for an allocation for acquisition of offices for head offices and regional offices 4. NQF not properly implemented resulting in the post-school system not fully articulated and differentiated Publication of the 3 Sub-frameworks 5. Equitable access to higher education opportunities not increased Close working relationships developed and maintained with universities and with Deans of scarce skill subjects to ensure that enrolment targets are met; Funding support provided to universities to ensure that they are able to meet their targets. Careful monitoring of the system and leveraging of funding to ensure quality of provision 6. No improvement in the success rates in quality higher education Monitoring the success and graduation rates across the universities and using this information to identify possible challenges where intervention may be required Monitoring the qualitative use of foundation provisioning and teaching development funds to ensure that institutions put in place mechanisms for ensuring improved teaching and learning and success
Risks and Mitigating Measures
RISK DESCRIPTION MITIGATING MEASURES 7. Good governance and management capabilities not developed across the higher education system Developing a good governance model for higher education institutions and ensuring this is communicated to the system Support for councils, and institutional management and student leadership through developing and implementing policies on good governance Working with HESA and the Chairs of Councils to implement approved training programmes 8. Lack of research productivity and innovation Use of funding to support research and research development at institutions; the development of good communications with universities, NRF, DVCs and Deans of Research to ensure that research development is collaborative and develops communities of practice that stretch across the system 9. Poor or inadequate information for planning and resourcing of the university sector Support and advice provided to institutions to ensure that information is correctly captured Information received from institutions with an Audit report to confirm accuracy and reliability 10. Low pass and certification rates in VCET institutions Implementation and revision of the existing Student Support Services Framework, which includes academic support for learners Lecturer professional development policy developed 11. Inadequate funding Sourcing and effective management of donor funding to support delivery on strategic objectives
Risks and Mitigating Measures
RISK DESCRIPTION MITIGATING MEASURES 12. Limited access to, retention of learners in, as well as diversity and quality of programmes offered in VCET institutions Improved DHET FET Colleges Bursary Scheme management and administration Increased training and support for FET College lecturers and Adult Education and Training (AET) teaching personnel Qualification and curriculum review processes through Ministerial Task Teams Development of the National Certificate Vocational Enhanced monitoring of the subsystem Planned infrastructure development and investment 13. Lack of adequate integration in terms of planning, funding, and reporting processes and systems at a strategic and at an operational level Development of an integrated monitoring, evaluation, and research framework under way Common Business Management System in FET Colleges being implemented Transition of FET Colleges and Adult Learning Centres (ALCs) into a sole national mandate Enhanced monitoring and management of SITA 14. Credibility and efficiency of the examination and certification system Increased operational budget for exams Enhanced ICASS guidelines and planned training for effective implementation 15. Alignment of Skills Development Outputs with the needs of the workplace Discussion with the SETAs to produce sector level scarce skills information. Also there is an increase in consultation and the sharing of knowledge between stakeholders through stakeholder forums. This helps to establish targets, tracking, monitoring and reporting.
Budget Information PROGRAMME MEDIUM-TERM EXPENDITURE ESTIMATE 2012/13 R’ thousand 2013/14 2014/15 Administration Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination 40 671 45 989 49 049 University Education Vocational and Continuing Education and Training Skills Development Subtotal Direct charge against the National Revenue Fund Total
MEDIUM-TERM EXPENDITURE ESTIMATE 2011/12 R’ thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accounts Higher education institutions Foreign governments and international organisations 2 443 2 544 2 681 2 836 Payments for capital assets 11 655 7 611 6 495 7 052 Total
Budget Information For the 2012 MTEF the Department’s budget (excluding direct charges) increases at an annual average rate of 8.7%, from R28.2 billion in 2011/12 to R36.1 billion in 2014/15 The amount of R31.5 billion for 2012/13 is an increase of R3.3 billion (nominal increase of 11.7%) on the 2011/12 allocation, excluding direct charges Direct charges that represent the skills levies for SETAs and the NSF, increases at an annual average rate of 5.5% from R9.1 billion in 2011/12 to R10.7 billion in 2014/15
Budget Information The Department received additional allocations to the amount of R183 million, R345 million and R449 million over the MTEF period which includes amounts for tertiary institutions infrastructure (R150 million, R300 million and R400 million) Programme 3: University Education dominates expenditure on the budget of the Department, mainly as a result of the transfers to universities and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). These expenditure items represent 83% of the total budget (excluding direct charges) of the Department for 2012/13
Budget Information Normal Departmental services (excluding university transfers, transfers to public entities and other organisations, conditional grants and earmarked funds) represents only 1.6% of the budget The NSFAS allocation increased with an amount of R1.203 billion. The transfers are expected to be R5.1 billion in 2012/13, R5.6 billion in 2013/14 and R6 billion in 2014/15 Net increase in compensation of employees is due mainly to: Improvement of conditions of service Filling of vacant positions within the Department Examiners and moderators (R million)
Long-Term Infrastructure and Other Capital Plans
Timelines and Funding Start End Needs (R’ billions) Funded in MTEF period (R’ billions) Mpumalanga University 2012 2015 6.8 0.2 (Voted) Northern Cape University 5.2 0.2 (Voted) FET Colleges (Teaching and residential space) 2014 31.4 1.5 (from NSF ) Limpopo medical school 2017 1.5 0.2 Refurbishment of student housing Universities 3.15 0.3 New student housing - Universities 2022 2016 2021 2026 25.3 21.1 16.9 (A further 4.5 bn is estimated until 2026. Total 111.35 3.9
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