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Why study Culture Phani Radhakrishnan Senior Lecturer

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Presentation on theme: "Why study Culture Phani Radhakrishnan Senior Lecturer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why study Culture Phani Radhakrishnan Senior Lecturer
Organizational Behavior Human Resources Management U Scarborough Centre for Ind Relns & Human Resources

2 Globalization Inter-connectedness in terms of Economies Political
Cultural Legal

3 Focus on Econ Inter-connectedness
Free Trade Economic Inter-connected-ness Organizational Environments IT Team- Based Out-sourcing M&A=>Loose Orgn Boundaries Increased Competition Privatization

4 How do Managers function in these Organizational Environments
Team- Based Out-sourcing M&A=>Loose Orgn Boundaries Increased Competition Privatization All involve people (interacting with them) Current knowledge is primarily based on research in US/European contexts

5 Need to know about Culture
Culture is invisible Affects legal, political environments Crux of management is learning about behavioral and psychological differences between people


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