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Aim: Describe the events and aftermath of the Reign of Terror

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1 Aim: Describe the events and aftermath of the Reign of Terror

2 The Terror Grips Fear Jacobins had thousands of enemies within France
Included peasants, priests, and rival leaders 1793: Jacobins leader Maximilien Robespierre gained power Set out to build a “republic of virtue” by wiping out every trace of France’s past Changing the calendar, dividing the year into 12 months of 30 days, & renaming each month July 1793, Robespierre became leader of the Committee of Public Safety His rule became known as the Reign of Terror Under Robespierre’s leadership, enemies were tried in the morning and guillotined in the afternoon 2

3 Enemies of the Revolution
The enemies who troubled Robespierre the most were fellow radicals who challenged his leadership : many who led the revolution received death sentences Only crime was that they were considered less radical than Robespierre The terror claimed thousands of unknown people who were sentenced to death Sentenced for flimsiest of charges Ex: Cutting down a tree that was a symbol of liberty As many as 40,000 were executed during the Terror 3

4 End of the Terror July 1794: members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre Demanded his arrest and execution Reign of Terror (Radical phase of the Revolution) ended on July 28, 1794 when Robespierre went to the Guillotine French public opinion started to shift People were tired of skyrocketing prices for bread, salt 1795: Moderate leaders in the National Convention drafted a new plan of government (3rd since 1789) Placed power in hands of upper middle class Called for two-house legislature and executive body of 5 men (Directory) 4

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