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The French revolution part 3

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1 The French revolution part 3
The reign of Terror The French revolution part 3

2 By 1793, the Revolution is out of control
New calendar Street names changed Metric system reintroduced

3 Jacobin Control- 1793 After the beheading of the King and Queen, Robespierre and the Jacobins take full control of the country. They form “The Committee of Public Safety” to ensure that the goals of the revolution are achieved. The purpose of the group was to protect the new republic against foreign and internal attacks.

4 The Reign of Terror Anyone suspected to be a counter-Revolutionary was arrested and in most cases executed. Over 20,000 people were executed in a few months.

5 Robespierre’s misguided intentions:
He was helplessly idealistic- wanted a republic of virtue based on equality. He tried to redo religion- “cult of the supreme being” July 20th, Robespierre is executed. “The Thermidorian Reaction” The Committee of Public Safety was replaced by The Directory

6 A New Man Steps to the Forefront
Royalist rebellions work against the Directory and gain some power. October 5, Royalist attack the Directory in Paris. Artillery cannons are wheeled into position and the mob is dispersed with “a whiff of grapeshot” The order to do so was given by General Napoleon Bonaparte.

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