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Why can’t we just get along?

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Presentation on theme: "Why can’t we just get along?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why can’t we just get along?
SECTIONALISM Why can’t we just get along?

2 Which image illustrates a northern climate?
How do you know? Which image illustrates a southern climate?

3 Which images would you associate with the north. Which with the south
Which images would you associate with the north? Which with the south? Why?

4 Which developments in transportation would you associate with the north? Which with the south?

5 How does the location influence life in each area?
Which illustration shows an urban setting? Which one shows a rural setting? How does the location influence life in each area? Which might be the north? Which might be the south?

6 What words describe the types of economic activity in these pictures?
Why did these activities develop in each area? Which would take place in the north? Which in the south?

7 What is a tariff? What area of the country favored tariffs? Which area despised tariffs? Why?

8 What is meant by states’ rights and nullification?
In general, what were the northern and southern views on these topics?

9 How was the movement viewed in both the north and south?
What was abolition? How was the movement viewed in both the north and south?

10 How did the north and south differ on these issues?
As our nation grew westward, what issues became important to Americans? How did the north and south differ on these issues?

11 Where does the west fit in all this?
How was the west like the north? How was the west like the south?

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