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Steering and Working Groups’ Meeting of 13th January 2016

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1 Steering and Working Groups’ Meeting of 13th January 2016
Welcome Steering and Working Groups’ Meeting of 13th January 2016 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

2 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Agenda Apologies Notes of the meeting of the 28th October 2015 Approval of minutes Matters arising from these notes not covered elsewhere Chairman’s opening remarks Parishioner Participation 1 (5 minutes) Working Group Reports (brief updates) Open Day 28th/29th February Parishioner Participation 2 (15 minutes) To note dates of next meetings Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

3 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC West Haddon at Referendum stage. The referendum will be held on Thursday 28th January. The question which will be asked is: - “Do you want Daventry District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for West Haddon to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” Kilsby Plan has been submitted for inspection Charwellton at consultation stage (closing date 31st January) Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

4 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC With the completion of the door-stepping the pre-work is largely done Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

5 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC With the completion of the door-stepping the pre-work is largely done We know the documents which govern what we can and cannot do National Planning and Policy Framework (NPPF) West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) Daventry District Council Saved Policies 2007 Give consideration to existing “Policies and principles relating to applications for Planning and development” adopted by Badby Parish Council in September 2014 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

6 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC With the completion of the door-stepping the pre-work is largely done We know the documents which govern what we can and cannot do The Plan need not be complex indeed the simpler the better! Simple plans are easier to write and more importantly easier to read and understand Simple plans are less likely to contain errors and ambiguities which can be exploited by developers Simple plans are good for small villages with limited resource Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

7 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC With the completion of the door-stepping the pre-work is largely done We know the documents which govern what we can and cannot do The Plan need not be complex indeed the simpler the better! No waffle and pictures which are not evidence or information driving our policies Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

8 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC With the completion of the door-stepping the pre-work is largely done We know the documents which govern what we can and cannot do The Plan need not be complex indeed the simpler the better! No waffle and pictures which are not evidence or information driving our policies Now is the time for action! Let the writing of policies and the plan commence! Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

9 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC With the completion of the door-stepping the pre-work is largely done We know the documents which govern what we can and cannot do The Plan need not be complex indeed the simpler the better! No waffle and pictures which are not evidence or information driving our policies Now is the time for action! Let the writing of the policies and plan commence! We have an open evening planned in the Village Hall on the 27th/28th February Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

10 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Much activity in Neighbourhood Planning across DDC With the completion of the door-stepping the pre-work is largely done We know the documents which govern what we can and cannot do The Plan need not be complex indeed the simpler the better! No waffle and pictures which are not evidence or information driving our policies Now is the time for action! Let the writing of the policies and plan commence! We have an open evening planned in the Village Hall on the 27th/28th February I hope we will have people leaving this meeting tonight to write a selection of draft policies which will on boards at the Open Evening for comment. Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

11 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Agenda Apologies Notes of the meeting of the 28th October 2015 Approval of minutes Matters arising from these notes not covered elsewhere Chairman’s opening remarks Parishioner Participation 1 (5 minutes) Working Group Reports (brief updates) Open Day 28th/29th February Parishioner Participation 2 (15 minutes) To note dates of next meetings Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

12 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Working Group Updates Communications Group Resources Group Project Management and Administration Group Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

13 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan Open Day
Background At the last meeting of the 28th October a Temporary Working Group was set up to organise a Neighbourhood Plan Open Day during February. The group was Andy Witcomb, Clare Crouch, Chris Nelson and Ken Morris. The following is the thinking of the group: - Objectives of the Open Day To further inform and make known what is happening – the process To put up some draft policies for comment and indicate other areas for which policies will be written To indicate what the Group believes parishioners see a as what defines Badby Village and Parish and what needs to be preserved and retained and enhanced. Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

14 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan Open Day
Format Village Hall Event at a weekend in February open at some time during both Saturday and Sunday Display boards covering the following: - DDC Process Map History of Badby What defines Badby Village & Parish and what needs to be preserved and retained and enhanced? Current situation – demographics etc. Policies – two boards. Representatives from the group will be there to talk to parishioners throughout the event Date of Event : - Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th February (timings to be advised) Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

15 What policies do we need?
There are no defined policy areas as such Policies must relate to the use and development of land Policies will be inspected against “National Policy and Advice” as well as local plans They should be what is important to the Parish (NB not just the village) Looking at other Neighbourhood plans provides good guidance Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

16 Policies in other local Parish NPs
Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

17 Charwellton Neighbourhood Plan
Simple one page introduction covering History, Demographics and Vision. One page with map defining designated area One page covering the consultation process One page intro to the plan 19 pages cover 5 policies 3 pages of appendices covering Village Design Statement and map of open spaces 1 page of references TOTAL: - 29 Pages including front cover and contents! Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

18 Documents and evidence to consider when writing policies.
National Planning and Policy Framework (NPPF) West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) Daventry District Council Saved Policies 2007 “Policies and principles relating to applications for Planning and development” adopted by Badby Parish Council in September 2014 The 2000 Parish Appraisal The 2014 Village Questionnaire Data 2013 DDC Badby Parish Housing Needs Survey Report Any other reliable information source Remember all polices have to be in the context of development and use of land. Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

19 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Policies we require in draft by the 28th January for inclusion in the Open Days The Steering Group would like to review 3/4 policies on the 29th of January with a view to putting them forward as draft policies for comment at the Open Days. The selected policies are: - Community Facilities (the definition is broad but can include Halls, Pubs, PWs, Village Greens, Playing Fields, Footpaths, Cycle Tracks, Bridleways etc.) Infrastructure and Transport Protecting the Character of the Village (the character needs to be defined in terms of setting, built environment, trees, open spaces, etc) Parking? Draft Policies should be with Andy Witcomb by 28th January Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

20 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Exercise: - What defines Badby’s and the Parish’s character in a planning context For example: - ”Its setting in the folds of the Northamptonshire Heights in the Nene valley” is arguably the quality that most people would take away from a single visit to Badby. What does this mean in a planning context? Proposed development on the edge of the village has to be subject to particular scrutiny. It has to be consider in terms of its visual impact from all positions. Is its architecture appropriate to its immediate surroundings in terms of style, scale, building materials etc.? Development outside the immediate village boundaries would be very unlikely to receive planning permission. Beyond the village boundaries land use is critical in in preserving the rural character, which could be about buildings, about light levels at night, sound levels at all times amongst others. Any policy has to attempt to reflect these concerns within the context of restrictions highlighted previously. Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

21 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Agenda Apologies Notes of the meeting of the 28th October 2015 Approval of minutes Matters arising from these notes not covered elsewhere Chairman’s opening remarks Parishioner Participation 1 (5 minutes) Working Group Reports (brief updates) Open Day 28th/29th February Parishioner Participation 2 (15 minutes) To note dates of next meetings Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

22 Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Dates of Next Meetings Wednesday 24th February Wednesday 6th April Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

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