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Warm-Up 3/26 What does this photo tell you about Hitler’s leadership style? What does it tell you about his relationship with the military?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up 3/26 What does this photo tell you about Hitler’s leadership style? What does it tell you about his relationship with the military?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up 3/26 What does this photo tell you about Hitler’s leadership style? What does it tell you about his relationship with the military?

2 Warm-Up/HW Check (Assign’t #32) Eugenics Reading Activity Notes
Agenda 3/26 Warm-Up/HW Check (Assign’t #32) Eugenics Reading Activity Notes Why Fascism? Rise of Mussolini, Hitler, Franco Franco Videos/Articl Leaders Jigsaw

3 Assignment #33 Why Fascism? Notes

4 Depression/Inflation Results of the Treaty of Versailles
Main Idea What political and economic conditions in Europe after WWI led to the rise of fascism? Weak governments Depression/Inflation Results of the Treaty of Versailles

5 1. Weak Governments After WWI, many European countries have democracies for the first time Weimar Republic – Germany’s democratic republic has issues: No democratic tradition Too many political parties Germans blame Weimar Government for WWI humiliation Italy disappointed with democratic government Helpless to deal with economic problems

6 2. Global Depression Rising productivity in U.S. leads to profits, but unevenly distributed Most families cannot afford to buy basic goods, so production is reduced People lose jobs in factories and can buy even less, cycle continues

7 Stock Market Crash, 1929 Sept.: investors start selling stocks
Oct.: prices slide downward PANIC and everyone sells Market crashes

8 3. Results of the Treaty of Versailles
Because of the reparations Germany was forced to pay, debt and inflation are huge The “mark” in Germany becomes worthless 1918: Bread is < 1 mark 1922: Bread is 160 marks 1923: Bread is 200 BILLION marks Morale in Germany destroyed because of “War Guilt” Italy upset over failure to win large territorial gains at Paris Peace Conference

9 A Little Corporal Stands Tall
Adolf Hitler a veteran of World War I becomes a leading proponent of German nationalism in the 1920’s. A failed attempt to overthrow the government lands Hitler in prison.

10 Mein Kempf During his incarceration Hitler put his political & nationalistic beliefs as well as his anti-Semitic feelings to print in his book Mein Kempf. His plan of Racial (Aryan) Superiority is also outlined.

11 Elected to Office Feeding on people’s fears Nazi’s set fire to the Reichstag prior to the election and blamed the communists. In 1933 Hitler’s Nazi party was elected into the majority of the German Reichstag and Hitler was elected Chancellor.

12 Fascism Rises to Power in Italy
Facing the same economic difficulties as Germany a newspaper editor named Benito Mussolini is elected leader. His promise: to restore Italy to the glory of the Roman Empire. Serves as an example for Hitler and Franco.

13 Mussolini’s Plan Complete very public projects.
Rebuild the transportation system and have the trains run on time. Arrest and harass the Sicilian led Mafia. Rebuild the Army

14 Francisco Franco in Spain
“El Caudillo” from Wants to protect Spanish territory and preserve Catholic traditions Very anti-communist Leads Nationalists during Spanish Civil War Supported by nationalists, militarists, landowners

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