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Why is education about risk and decision-making important?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is education about risk and decision-making important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is education about risk and decision-making important?

2 A key time in young lives
During high school, students set the pattern for their adult decision-making Their choices — more so than earlier ones — have major effects on their adult lives December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

3 The world teenagers face has become more complex
Job requirements of a modern economy More choices on health Increases in credit and borrowing opportunities New risks not fully present in earlier generations December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

4 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
The problem High School students face new freedom Will they manage freedom properly or take too many chances? Four key areas: education, health, credit, risk December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

5 Educational choices and risks
Many students don’t understand opportunity cost or their choices fully Affluent students may seldom be required to make hard choices Poor students may think they have no choices December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

6 More education will be necessary
Occupational outlook: All but one of the 50 highest paying occupations will require a college degree Other fast-growing occupations require high school and more Occupational Outlook Handbook, December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

7 The knowledge-based economy
Rewards people with technical skills Common occupations such as auto mechanics are now much more technical Few high-paying jobs for the unskilled December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

8 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
Dropout rates a threat High school dropouts are 8.8% of the population Dropouts face reduced opportunity African-American and Hispanic dropout rates significantly higher Statistical Abstract of the United States : Table 255, “High School Dropouts by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

9 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
Education summary Teens face many risks on education choices Video 1 shows opportunity, and discourages dropping out Statistical Abstract of the United States : Table 255, “High School Dropouts by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

10 Health choices and risks
Teenagers face key choices about their health They make decisions that may affect their lives dramatically December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

11 Changing views on health
Formerly, we “left it up to the doctor” Today, we are increasingly aware of how our choices affect health: diet, exercise, and smoking, for example December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

12 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
The risk of smoking Teen years a key time for smoking decisions Tobacco use may cause 440,000 deaths per year CDC: Single most preventable cause of death Smoking: December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

13 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
The risk of inactivity Many health risks are correlated with levels of physical activity CDC figures show 69% of year olds are physically active Only 38% of year olds Physical Inactivity: December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

14 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
Health summary Those who make good health decisions promote their physical and financial well-being Video 2 shows how excessive risks hurt health and wealth December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

15 Choices and risks involving credit
Teenagers face new risks Credit more widely available than ever Powerful media messages urge people to spend December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

16 Getting credit is no problem . . .
Card issuers seek younger customers Fraction of 18- and 19-year olds having their own cards: 1/3 and rising College students especially targeted December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

17 . . . managing credit can be a problem
Teen emphasis on “buying now” may overshadow “paying later” Most (80%) don’t know how long until payoff if they only make minimum payment December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

18 Teenagers need credit skills
How to understand their credit reports and credit scores How to read their credit statements Informed consumers less likely to be hurt by identity theft December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

19 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
Credit summary Teenagers need to understand that credit can be their best friend or their worst enemy Video 3 helps teenagers understand credit December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

20 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
Decisions on risk Teenagers have many new freedoms that bring risks Driving, although important, is not the only one December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

21 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?
Driving risk Only 4.9% of licensed drivers are 19 or under But they have 11.6% of the fatal accidents Over twice the risk of general population National Safety Council, Injury Facts 2003, in Statistical Abstract of the U.S , Table 1099 December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

22 Helping teens understand insurance
Teenagers can control their insurance costs through careful risk management Big expense, whether paid by teens or their parents National Safety Council, Injury Facts 2003, in Statistical Abstract of the U.S , Table 1099 December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

23 Helping teens manage risk
Teenagers are resistant to preaching and lectures about risky behavior But they can learn about managing risk Video 4 shows how National Safety Council, Injury Facts 2003, in Statistical Abstract of the U.S , Table 1099 December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

24 In conclusion: the need for education
Left to their own, youth give less consideration to the consequences of risk than the average adult Yet some early decisions have consequences far down the road Important to reach students before they make key decisions December 4, 2018 Why Is Education About Risk and Decision-Making Important?

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