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Revolutions Global Review Class.

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1 Revolutions Global Review Class

2 Oliver Cromwell and Charles I

3 English Puritan – 1640s Oliver Cromwell and Roundheads
Stuart Dynasty Absolutism Magna Carta – ideas of limited monarchy Puritans in Parliament oppose King Charles I King v. Parliament Anglicans v. Catholics End of Stuart rule Charles I beheaded Dictatorship under Cromwell Eventually leads to Glorious Revolution in 1688 Evolution of democracy – 600 yrs

4 William and Mary

5 English Glorious Revolution 1688 - Parliament
King James II placed Catholics in high gov. posts James’ second wife gave birth to a son – feared Catholic heir to throne James II flees country William and Mary become King and Queen They sign the BILL OF RIGHTS Est. the supremacy of Parliament over the King

6 Louis XVI and Marie

7 French Revolution 1789-1815 “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” Robespierre, Jacobins and Napoleon
Bourbon Dynasty Absolutism Bankruptcy, unfair taxes Grain harvest disaster Enlightenment ideas of Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu Demand for equality by 3rd estate End of absolutism More equality and democratic government – thanks to dictator Napoleon Rise of the middle class End of special privileges of nobles Reign of Terror Execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

8 Industrial Revolution 1750s -1850s
Begins in England After the Agricultural Revolution Natural resources, capital, talent, markets and cheap labor New technology of energy sources Rise of factory system Urbanization Growth of capitalism Higher standard of living Unions Longer life expectancy IMPERIALISM Marxism and communism emerge

9 Czar Nicholas II and Lenin

10 Russian Revolution 1917 Peace, Land and Bread Lenin, Trotsky and Bolsheviks
Romanov Dynasty Absolutism Hardships of WW I Hunger/unrest Need for land reform Marxist ideas Anger at Czar and Czarina & Rasputin’s influence Provisional govt. set up and overthrown by Lenin Execution of Czar and family Russia withdraws from WW I and signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1st Communist nation USSR Command economy – government owns means of production and distribution

11 Russian Revolution

12 Russian Revolution 1991 Yeltsin
Gorbachev’s reforms of glasnost and perestroika Opposition of hard line communists Ethnic nationalism Lack of consumer goods Lack of worker motivation End of communist control over eastern Europe and USSR End of Gorbachev’s rule 15 new republics formed Collapse of Warsaw Pact Creation of democratic Russia Concern over who might get hands on old nuclear weapons and technology!

13 Cuban Revolution

14 Cuban Revolution 1959 Castro
Corruption of the Batista regime Need for land reform Anti-foreign feelings Communist support Nationalization of businesses and property Communism in the western hemisphere Land reform Trade embargo with USA Having economic difficulty after collapse of USSR – ally and financial supporter

15 Iranian Revolution

16 Iranian Revolution 1979 A. Khomeini
Islamic fundamentalism Opposition to modernization and west Anti – foreigner Need for land reform Shah lived lavish lifestyle while many citizens in poverty End of Shah’s rule – flees to Mexico and US Theocracy Islamic fundamentalism Americans taken hostage 444 days Iran-Iraq War over oil Pose potential threat – anti western and advocate that ideology

17 Chinese Revolution

18 Chinese Revolution 1949 Mao
Corruption of the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai Shek Need for land reform Civil war Chaos of WW II Mao’s appeal to lower classes, Great March, fought Japanese End of Civil War Redistribution of land Great Leap forward Collectivization of farms Command economy Red Guard Support North Vietnam and North Korea

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