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Presentation on theme: "Lobbyists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lobbyists

2 But First….Role of Media Review
The media are Watchdogs in the political System - keeping politics accountable. As such, they are expected to present an unbias opinion. The media is a tool people can use to pressure and persuade the government, public opinion is very important to democracy The Parliamentary press Gallery reports on government issues, policies, and laws to Canadians.

3 Examples of Media reporting on Gov’t
Alberta Climate Leaders: The National: Rebel Media: Which of these videos were attempting a bias?

4 Lobbyists & Interest Groups
Political parties are not the only form of organized political behaviour in democracies Interest groups or pressure groups bring together individuals who are seeking to influence political decision making on specific public issues. In Canada, interest groups can legally organize and have the right to petition and influence government. They opperate at all levels of government with considerable effect.

5 Lobbyists & Interest Groups
Interest groups represent a wide variety of interests, such as business, labor, professionals, consumers, women, religious groups, and the environment. The process used by interest groups in their attempt to influence government is called lobbying.

6 Billy wants a Dog…. Billy Wants a Dog (Into to lobby groups)

7 Lobbyists & Interest Groups
To be effective, interest groups must exert their influence at critical points in the decision-making process. Interest groups seek to influence the policymaking process This means focusing on the law makers - the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and Civil Servants


9 How It Happens….Lobbyists

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