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Class choice Research in Groups

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1 Class choice Research in Groups
Research Paper #1 Class choice Research in Groups

2 Ideas dichotomy between preaching equality while lobbying for privileges Immigration and gender inequality The value of “Home economics” classes what "equality" means is-Is equality a measure of opportunity or a measure of results? Impact of gender stereotypes Popular Culture and Gender stereotypes compare and contrast sexism against men and against women- double standards The lack of a “men’s studies” class Education and school participation rates among boys and girls

3 3 Nominations

4 The Choice

5 The Assignment Over the course of the next three weeks, we will be researching, drafting, and editing an essay of the topic you picked as a class. You will do your research in groups (of no more than 5- must be at least 2) We will have some time in class to evaluate our research, but you will need to find it at home You will then write the essay on your own We will draft in class to help you focus your ideas, improving your clarity and fluency We will then edit in class, as we did with the Personal Statements It is vital that you bring a draft to class with you everyday, especially during the peer editing sessions You will be graded on every step of the process so do NOT throw anything away

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