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Status of CARD Group 1 implementation and lessons learned CARD Second Group Countries NRDS Development Workshop 5 July 2010 Hiroshi Hiraoka, Coordinator,

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Presentation on theme: "Status of CARD Group 1 implementation and lessons learned CARD Second Group Countries NRDS Development Workshop 5 July 2010 Hiroshi Hiraoka, Coordinator,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of CARD Group 1 implementation and lessons learned CARD Second Group Countries NRDS Development Workshop 5 July 2010 Hiroshi Hiraoka, Coordinator, CARD Secretariat

2 Outline Process of NRDS formulation and implementation Lessons learnt

3 Objectives of CARD Increase investment for rice-related development mainly through existing funding framework Develop capacity of SSA Governments to effectively manage rice sector development as well as to secure government funding / donor investment Provide enabling environment for rice-related investment both for development agencies and SSA Governments CARD is not a new funding source

4 Objectives of CARD Better coordinate interventions based on the shared view on rice development (NRDS) NRDS: in line with overarching development framework (PRSP, CAADP) Coordination: information is the vital key Creating synergies of different development partners

5 How CARD developed Build – up TICAD IV Preparation starts (Oct 07) JICA – AGRA high level meetings (Jan 08) Ag – experts meeting in Tokyo (Mar 08) Preparation starts (Oct 07) JICA – AGRA high level meetings (Jan 08) Ag – experts meeting in Tokyo (Mar 08) Operational inception Official launch of CARD (May 08) Technical meeting in Cotonou (Sep 08) Secretary set up (Oct 08) First General Meeting (Oct 08) Technical meeting in Cotonou (Sep 08) Secretary set up (Oct 08) First General Meeting (Oct 08)

6 NRDS Formulation Appointment of TF Support Workshop November 2008 Invitation letter to the Minister of Agriculture Preparation of Zero Draft (by end January 2009) November 2008 Invitation letter to the Minister of Agriculture Preparation of Zero Draft (by end January 2009) 2-5 February 2009 Interactive sessions for refinement 2-5 February 2009 Interactive sessions for refinement NRDS Version One February – March 2009 CARD GM 2 3-4 June 2009 Needs elaboration but good enough to start implementation 3-4 June 2009 Needs elaboration but good enough to start implementation

7 NRDS Implementation o Launching of NRDS Conducted in most countries between October 2009 and May o Duties of NRDS TF Update on-going interventions, needs resource gap and priorities Ensure the updates are shared with key stakeholders Update rice-related statistics (AfricaRice Project) Ensure NRDS is fully in line with / endorsed by the overarching national / sector strategies (e.g. CAADP) and government funding frameworks (MTEF / annual budget) Report to the CARD Secretariat

8 Lessons learnt o Format of NRDS More emphasis needed for post-harvest issues (quality, marketing) Simple tool to share the status of rice sector development (interventions / gaps) o Members of Task Forces No member lists Core working team quality (diversity) and quantity

9 NRDS is not stand-alone document o Alignment with overall national / sector strategies (CAADP) Increased funding through EXISTING external (donor investment) and internal (MTEF, annual budget) framework Alignment with CAADP as a promising channel of incremental funding How NRDS is linked / recognized / endorsed / integrated into such framework is crucial before the launching Need to identify champions Need to carefully plan governance

10 Governance o Task Force Membership (who should be involved?) o Institutional linkages Policy and planning of MoA, MoF CAADP / PRSP o Monitoring and Evaluation To align with the above Reporting to the CARD Secretariat

11 This workshop Mon / Tue Wed / Thu Peer review of zero draft Fri Governance, monitoring Way ahead


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