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Family Life Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Life Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Life Cycle

2 Beginning Family Newlyweds Establishing Home
Building Marriage Relationship

3 Child-bearing Family Couple prepares for and adjusts to parenthood

4 Parenting Family Children are growing
Parents work to meet children’s changing needs and help them develop independence

5 Launching Family Children gradually leave home to support themselves
Parents help children adapt to life on their own

6 Mid-Years Family Couple renews their relationship
Prepares for retirement Sometimes called the “empty-nest” stage

7 Aging Family Over 65 Stops full time work Retired
Adjusts to having more free time

8 Variations in the Life Cycle
Individuals who decide not to marry Individuals whose die or leave spouses Couples choose not to, or find out they are unable to have children

9 Variations in the Life Cycle
Families skip, overlap, or repeat stages – this creates new sequences Families have additional children several years after their first group of children Second marriages – families blend, stages are repeated Families create extended families by bringing aging relatives into their home.

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