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Population 1. Composition in 1840: A) Inhabitants:

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1 The British Regime IV: 1837-1848

2 Population 1. Composition in 1840: A) Inhabitants: 665 400
B) Mainly Francophones, growing Anglophone minority 2. Changes in overall composition: A) 1845: Montreal becomes mainly Anglophone B) 1851: Canada West (Ontario) population bigger than Canada East (Quebec) population

3 Economy Agriculture 1. Main crops in Lower Canada: wheat, oats, potatoes 2. Target markets (who they want to sell to): locally and Britain 3. Effects on transportation: A) Increased the creation and use of canals and railways. B) Faster to transport AND increased volume

4 Economy 4. Decline in wheat production in 1830’s:
A)Problems: Overpopulation in agricultural land, soil exhaustion on seigneuries (crops are not growing) B) Effects: huge amount of French Canadians leaving for the United States (Massacheusetts & Maine). Why there? Jobs in textile factories. C) Farmers “solutions” to the poor farming conditions: moving to NEW colonization areas (Mauricie, Saguenay and Laurentians). Emigrating to the USA.

5 Economy 5. Free Trade: A) Britain gets tired of buying things from their colonies. Mainly because they cost way more. B) They abandon their “protectionist” policies in and adopt a Free Trade policy. They want to find the BEST PRICE instead of protecting their colonies. C) Result: BNA starts looking for a NEW market. What country will they choose?

6 5. Free Trade: E) Custom duties were abolished on major products.
D) BNA signs the Reciprocity Treaty with the US which lasts from E) Custom duties were abolished on major products. F) Canadians diversify their economy even more to suit American demand

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