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“U.S. Marines Corps Birthday”

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1 “U.S. Marines Corps Birthday”

2 Older than the nation it defends, the United States Marine Corp will celebrate its 241st birthday Thursday. For the few and the proud, the Corps’ birthday is a time to reflect on the sacrifices men and women have made since it was first formed. On Nov. 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress decided to create two battalions of Continental Marines for the War of Independence from Britain. In 1798, President John Adams signed the Act establishing the United States Marine Corps. The 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, General John A. Lejeune, issued Marine Corps Order No. 47, Series 1921, directing that on Nov. 10 every year, in honor of the Corps' birthday, the Order’s summary of the history, mission and tradition of the Corps be read to every command. Originally formed as shipboard security and a potent landing force Marines quickly earned their nickname “soldiers of the sea.” While the Marines have gone on to become more than what the Continental Congress would have imagined, one thing has not changed, a U.S. Marine is a lean mean fighting machine, there have been 304 Marines who have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

3 In Other News Melania Trump, who will become just the second foreign-born first lady in US history, will assume the very public role after having spent much of the presidential campaign avoiding the campaign trail and the limelight, saying she preferred to remain home in New York to care for the couple's only son, who is 10. She has laid out in broad terms what her priorities will be as first lady. Melania outlined in a speech that in addition to "helping children and women," she said combatting cyber bullying will be "one of the main focuses" of her work as first lady. When 14 members of a New York middle school newspaper were asked if the media did a good job covering this most unusual presidential campaign, not one student raised his or her hand. The silence spoke volumes. Griffin Must, co-editor-in-chief of his school's paper, summed up what a lot of his peers seem to be feeling about the nonstop election coverage over the past 18 months. "I believe (the media) could have done a better job on policies and finding what citizens need to know to vote," said Griffin. Great Article - (

4 In Other News Period Time Homeroom 8:05-8:12 R/A 8:12 – 8:45 Period 3 8:48 - 9:32 Period 1 9:35 – 10:19 Period 2 10:22 – 11:52 Lunch A 10:22 – 10:52 Lunch B 10:52 – 11:22 Lunch C 11:22 – 11:52 Period 4 11:55 – 12:36 Period 5 12:39 – 1:26 Period 6 1:29 – 2:13 Period 7 2:16 – 3:00

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