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‘3D’ Data Sets are ABSOLUTELY Crucial to Answer the Important Questions of Galaxy Formation and Evolution Galaxy dynamical masses, gas masses Spatially.

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Presentation on theme: "‘3D’ Data Sets are ABSOLUTELY Crucial to Answer the Important Questions of Galaxy Formation and Evolution Galaxy dynamical masses, gas masses Spatially."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘3D’ Data Sets are ABSOLUTELY Crucial to Answer the Important Questions of Galaxy Formation and Evolution Galaxy dynamical masses, gas masses Spatially resolved distributions of SF, gas, stellar populations, metallicities Rotation curves & connection to halo; angular momentum distribution Co-evolution of massive black holes and host galaxies Roles of mergers vs secular evolution Bulge vs disk formation Roles of stellar and AGN feedback

2 The ‘3D’ State of the Art at High Redshift
0 km/s +200 km/s +65 km/s +400(±130) km/s +130 km/s FWHM 0.5 (4 kpc) –200 km/s –260(±33) km/s –130 km/s –65 km/s BzK–15504 at z  2.38 Hα channel maps SINFONI + AO (Genzel et al. 2006) From N. Förster Schreiber’s talk CO channel maps (v=40 km s-1) at z=4.1(!); Riechers et al. 2008 From F. Walter’s talk

3 3D Observations of AGN and High-z Galaxies: Some Questions for Discussion
1) Rephrasing Eric’s question: We’re now doing “low-z” science at high redshift! What are the most important lessons to be learned from nearby galaxies? - extracting/modeling dynamics - best line tracers for star formation, dynamics - best local Universe templates - synergies between optical/IR and (sub)mm 3D observations (unfortunately no HI at high-z!) - …

4 3D Observations of AGN and High-z Galaxies: Some Questions for Discussion
2) Are high-z disks really disks? Are high-z mergers really mergers? Is it all outflows? How do we distinguish amongst them? What about minor mergers? 3) How do we establish the M- relation at high-z? How well calibrated is it at low-z? Do black holes form first? What does this mean for “co-evolution of black holes and host galaxies”?

5 3D Observations of AGN and High-z Galaxies: Some Questions for Discussion
4) What is the relative importance of cold accretion vs mergers in galaxy formation? How do we get an observational handle on “cold accretion” at high-z ? 5) What improvements/considerations should be made to simulations (of mergers, cold accretion, etc.) based on the data? 6) Lots of other questions?

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