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UWEC Admissions Director:

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1 UWEC Admissions Director:
Kris Anderson. Works primarily with Freshmen from the local Chippewa Valley and students from states other than Wisconsin or Minnesota

2 How the High school budget cuts effect students at a college level?
If one high school cuts some classes like for example some AP classes, and another school doesn’t. that means some students are at a disadvantage. Kids with out the AP classes wont have the chance to get college credits during high school. When competing for a spot at a college a student that had the AP classes available and took them will be accepted before a kid who didn’t have the AP classes at his/her school. Anderson quoted “The goal of the budget is to protect priorities. High school education prepares students for career and life. You need to think, what do you value?”

3 What Area’s would you suggest cutting to help repair the budget deficit
When it comes to cuts you can’t just cut from one department and you also cant go strait across the board with the cuts. Some Departments can make there own revenue while other departments cant. The Athletics can raise there prices to get into games but an office like Kris Anderson's doesn’t have a way to raise there prices. Anderson Thinks, “Across the board cuts doesn’t allow you to strategize and doest allow you to preserve priorities.” She also believes the best way to make the cuts would be too look at each department individually and take away appropriate amounts of money.

4 Do you feel that high schools do an adequate job of preparing students for a post high school education? High schools do prepare students well for college. Public, Private, and Charter do the same thing, the only thing different is how they are funded. Private schools money comes from churches and tuition, so they are not effected by the budget. All types of high schools prepare the students equally, no research shows Charter schools prepare kids better for college. Anderson stated, “It all depends on who goes where and how that school fits them as a individual.”

5 Skills that Freshmen need when coming into College.
Two skills freshmen need to work on is math and writing. A lot of students come into college not prepared for the next level. Some high school students only take the bare minimum so often kids don’t take a math class there freshmen year, so they don’t practice and they forget. Freshmen English class at UWEC is five credits. So its rigorous course. Anderson told us “With today's texting and technology students writing skills get choppy, informal, and abbreviated.”

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