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Setting the Tone: Journal Writing You are assigned to find information about a topic. In five to seven sentences, tell what you would do to collect your.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting the Tone: Journal Writing You are assigned to find information about a topic. In five to seven sentences, tell what you would do to collect your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting the Tone: Journal Writing You are assigned to find information about a topic. In five to seven sentences, tell what you would do to collect your information.

2 Purpose What are you learning? –How to read a readers guide and a card catalog. Why are you learning this? –To locate information from various sources.

3 Grammar: Verbs Streamline Video Segment 1: Verb Functions and Verb Tenses (07:29)

4 Crafting the Lesson (Me) Card Catalog: has three different types of cards: title cards, author cards, and subject cards. Readers Guide: an index that list articles in more than 175 magazines and journals. The articles are listed in alphabetical order by subject and matter. Title cards: there is a card for every book in the library. If a title begins with A, An, or The skip to the next word. EX: The Pig-Out Blues Author cards: Every book has an author or editor. The name on the author card is listed last name first. EX: Elsholz, Carol Subject cards: filled alphabetically and come before the title cards beginning with the same word. EX: Dinosaur-History comes before the title card Dinosaur Fossils

5 Crafting the Lesson (We) Which card catalog would you use to find the following items: A book by Vernon Pizer You Dont Say Ways people communicate

6 Crafting the Lesson (We) Use the Readers Guide to find the following items: Who is the author of The hurricane nobody took seriously. What did I. Berkow write? Where can I find the article written on pages 12-13 Mr. 21- 27, 1992? Which magazine published Seth Rolbeins article?

7 Composing Meaning (Two) Which card catalog- author, title, or subject – you would use to look up each of the following items: 1.A book by Roald Dahl 2.Rap music 3.Baseball in April by someone named M. Jones 4.A book on sailboats by John Walters 5.A Decision for Health 6.Hawaiian volcanoes With a partner, find the answer to the questions

8 Use the Readers Guide on 119a and the card catalog on 118a in Heath Middle Level book level 8 to answer the questions that follow. Composing Meaning (You)

9 Reflection What information will you find in a Readers Guide? What are the three types of cards in a card catalog? What is the difference between the three types of cards in a card catalog?

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