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The Kings of Rome 753-509 B.C..

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Presentation on theme: "The Kings of Rome 753-509 B.C.."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Kings of Rome B.C.

2 Romulus

3 Romulus

4 Romulus

5 Romulus Romulus and Remus use “Augury” to determine who would be king.

6 Romulus 753-716 Became king by killing brother, Remus (fratricide).
Established laws and the senate. Presided over the Abduction of the Sabine women.

7 The Abduction of the Sabine women

8 The Abduction of the Sabine women

9 The Abduction of the Sabine women

10 The Apotheosis of Romulus

11 Numa Pompilius

12 Numa Pompilius

13 Numa Pompilius Built the temple of Janus

14 Numa Pompilius Created the cult of the vestal virgins.

15 Numa Pompilius Temple of the Vestal Virgins

16 Tullus Hostillius

17 Tullus Hostillius Built the Senate House (Curia Hostilia)

18 Tullus Hostillius Horatii vs. Curiatii

19 Ancus Marcius

20 Ancus marcius Built the Sublician Bridge across the tiber river.

21 Ancus marcius Built ostia as the port city for rome.

22 Ancus marcius Built ostia as the port city for rome.

23 Tarquinius Priscus (Lucumo) 616-579
1st Etruscan king

24 Tarquinius Priscus Began construction of the Circus Maximus

25 Servius Tullius Born to the maid of Priscus’ wife, Tanaquil.

26 Servius Tullius 578-535 Established 1st census.
Built walls around the city.

27 The Servian Walls

28 Tarquinius Superbus

29 Tarquinius Superbus Became king by the murder of Servius Tullius

30 Tarquinius Superbus Became king by the murder of Servius Tullius.

31 Tarquinius Superbus Built the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline hill.

32 Tarquinius superbus Drained the forum and built the cloaca maxima.

33 Tarquinius Superbus Monarchy ends with the rape of Lucretia.

34 The Roman Republic B.C. Brutus and Collatinus, husband of Lucretia become the first consuls.

35 Finis

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