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Thinking Like a Geographer

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1 Thinking Like a Geographer

2 6 Essential Questions of Geography
Location: The world in spatial terms. Where might this place be located? Places and Regions: What is special about this place? What makes it different from other places? How is this place like others near or around it? Physical Systems: What physical processes shape the features and patterns of the place? What is the weather/climate like?

3 Why location is important.

4 Human Systems: How might people, goods, and ideas travel into and out of this place? Environment and Society: How have people affected this environment? How might this environment affect people? Uses of Geography: How do physical and human features influence historical, current, or future events?


6 Criteria for Analyzing Visuals / Graphics
OPTIC Criteria for Analyzing Visuals / Graphics Visual Strategy

7 O - Conduct a brief overview of the visual or graphic.
OPTIC stands for Overview, Parts, Title, Interrelationships, and Conclusion. You will use this acronym to help you remember the five steps for constructing meaning from a visual or graphic text. O - Conduct a brief overview of the visual or graphic. P – Key in on the parts of the visual by reading all labels and noting any elements or details that seem important. T – Read the title of the visual so that you are clear on the subject it is covering. I – Use the title as your theory and the parts of the visual as your clues to detect and specify the interrelationships in the graphics. C – Draw a conclusion about the visual as a whole.

8 Photo #1

9 Photo #2

10 Photo #3

11 Photo #4

12 Photo #5 Coastline of Australia (near the Australian Bight region)

13 Photo #6 Wet Monsoon in India

14 Photo #7

15 Photo #8 Industrial pollution in the Rhur Valley of Germany

16 Photo # 9

17 Photo #10

18 Photo #11 Gulf Shores Alabama

19 Photo #12

20 Photo #13

21 Photo #14 School girl in subway station in Tokyo, Japan

22 Photo #15 Logging in the Pacific northwest of the US

23 Photo # 16 China area near the Tibetan plateau

24 Photo #1 Desertification in Niger – along the Sahel region

25 Photo #2 Storefronts in Dearborn, Michigan

26 Photo #3 Kids in Honduras playing soccer (futbol)

27 Carlton Center, Johannesburg, South Africa
Photo #4 Carlton Center, Johannesburg, South Africa

28 Herding sheep in New Zealand
Photo #5 Coastline of Australia (near the Australian Bight region) Herding sheep in New Zealand

29 Wet Monsoon in Bangladesh
Photo #6 Wet Monsoon in India Wet Monsoon in Bangladesh

30 Shopping mall – Cairo, Egypt
Photo #7 Shopping mall – Cairo, Egypt

31 Photo #8 Industrial pollution in the Rhur Valley of Germany Industrial pollution in Kabwe, Zambia (Zinc and lead smelting) – most polluted place on earth

32 Photo # 9 Winery in Argentina

33 Photo #10 Zanzibar beach

34 Gulf Shores Alabama after Hurricane Katrina
Photo #11 Gulf Shores Alabama Gulf Shores Alabama after Hurricane Katrina

35 Rotterdam, Netherlands – Europe’s busiest port
Photo #12 Rotterdam, Netherlands – Europe’s busiest port

36 Photo #13 Prisoners Picking Cotton at Louisiana State Penitentiary (known as Angola)

37 Tokyo, Japan – capsule hotel
Photo #14 School girl in subway station in Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan – capsule hotel

38 Logging in the Pacific northwest of the US
Photo #15 Logging in the Pacific northwest of the US Logging in the Pacific northwest of the US

39 Linfeng, China- near the world’s largest power plant fueled by coal
Photo # 16 China area near the Tibetan plateau Linfeng, China- near the world’s largest power plant fueled by coal

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