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Feelings in response to an activity or an experience

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1 Feelings in response to an activity or an experience
EMOTIONS Feelings in response to an activity or an experience

2 Feelings of strong affection caring for another person.
Love Feelings of strong affection or caring for another person.

3 or well-being and contentment.
Happiness A feeling of joy or well-being and contentment.

4 Feeling that life experiences will be positive.
Optimism Feeling that life experiences will be positive.

5 Provides a way of expressing some negative emotions in a positive way.
Humor Provides a way of expressing some negative emotions in a positive way.

6 They are learned not inherited.
Fear Feeling danger. They are learned not inherited.

7 Strong feeling of irritation
Anger Strong feeling of irritation

8 G U I LT The feeling you have done something wrong or are responsible for something bad happening.

9 Feelings of sadness, loneliness and despair.
DEPRESSION Feelings of sadness, loneliness and despair. Factors linked to depression: Family history Major life stresses Physical illness Substance abuse Gender - females

10 Jealousy The feeling of wanting something that someone else has or fear of losing something you have.

11 Feeling of isolation or alienation
Loneliness Feeling of isolation or alienation

12 Feeling or being timid or bashful.
Shyness Feeling or being timid or bashful.

13 DEFENSE MECHANISMS-. Ways people deal with stresses in their lives
DEFENSE MECHANISMS- *Ways people deal with stresses in their lives. Used to try to solve problems, hide or counterbalance feelings or actions. *Defense mechanisms do not usually get rid of the problem, and are often negative or not a very effective way to deal with stress.

14 Positive Defenses Direct Attack: Recognize the heart of the problem
Work to solve the problem The goals must be realistic “If I look at this realistically, I can set my goals and overcome this problem” Sublimation: redirecting bad or unacceptable behavior/emotions into positive behavior. We sublimate the desire to fight into the ritualistic activities of formal competition. -When I’m angry, I box at the gym.

15 Negative Defenses Compensation: covering a weakness
by overachieving in another area. May be negative or positive “OK, maybe I’ll never be able to pass the class, but I’ll have fun and that teacher will be sorry” Daydreaming: escaping from an unpleasant situation by using your imagination. Living in a fantasy world “I love animals so much, so even if I fail biology I can still be a veterinarian”

16 Denial: failure to accept reality.
“This is not happening. It can’t happen to me.” Displacement: the transfer of negative emotions from one person or thing to an unrelated person or thing. “I did so poorly on my SAT, I’ll just go home and beat up my brother.”

17 Projection: Blame other people or things for your failure
Use a scapegoat “It’s my math teacher’s fault I failed the test” Rationalization: justifying when you behave irrationally. “We got caught up in the romance of the moment.. And now I’m pregnant!”

18 MORE MECHANISMS! Regression: using childlike ways for expressing emotions. Crying, name calling, throwing things, swearing. Repression: subconsciously blocking out unpleasant memories “I can remember everything up to the accident, but nothing after that.”

19 STILL MORE!! Reaction formation: expressing emotions that are the exact opposite of what you feel. Conceal anger/hate with kindness. Teasing/bothering someone you like. Conversion: Transfer the energy of a desire you can’t express into a physical complaint or symptom (headache, stomach aches) “I think I have the flu… I can’t take my test today.”

20 Idealization – Valuing something more than it is worth.
Yourself (conceited) “I am so wonderful. Everyone has to like me.” Others or possession (money, house, car) “I need that new Coach purse! It will complete me!!!” Giving Up – No situation = No problem “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care”

21 LAST ONE!!! Substitution: replacing an unattainable goal with an attainable goal to relieve disappointment. “I am not good at football so I will try the swim team.”

22 Assignment Divide your paper into three sections on the front and three on the back. Choose any six defense mechanisms and draw a picture displaying how the defense mechanism works. You may choose to include a small narrative to explain your picture.

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