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Report of the Strategic Plan Review Working Group Bruno Frachon

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1 Report of the Strategic Plan Review Working Group Bruno Frachon
IHO Council Report of the Strategic Plan Review Working Group Bruno Frachon C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018

2 Background Decision A1/03 of the Assembly
The Assembly tasked the Council to conduct a comprehensive review of the Strategic Plan and to provide a draft revised Plan, as appropriate, in time for the consideration of the 2nd ordinary session of the Assembly … Decision C1/37 of the Council The Council decided to establish the Strategic Plan Review Working Group IHO Circular Letter 20/2018 Adoption of the ToRs and RoPs of the SPRWG and Membership IHO COUNCIL

3 Terms of reference & membership
Scoping phase  C-2 Review and restate the strategic context Identify deficiencies in the existing plan – consider means to address them Establish management plan for drafting revised strategic plan Drafting phase  C-3  A-2 Define criteria for measuring success and propose priorities Consider interrelation to budget, WP and performance indicators Prepare draft revised plan in accordance with management plan and timetable Membership AU, BR, CA, CL, CN, CO, HR, DK, EC, FR, ID, IR, IT, JP, KR, MO, NL, NO, SG, ES, SU, GB, US chair: Bruno Frachon (FR) vice-chair: Shigeru Nakabayashi (JP) secretary: Douglas Brunt (CA) IHO COUNCIL

4 SPRWG activity Correspondence group – 21 contributions on:
Strategic assumptions Shortfalls and most desired improvements Definition of success Stakeholders, marine data, pace of technology changes and consequences, communication Meeting in Goa (side meeting to IRCC-10) IHO SP: 6 pages + 5 pages annexes (risk management framework, 3 ; Strategic Performance Indicators, 2). IHO COUNCIL

5 Current Strategic Plan
15 Strategic Assumptions 19 Strategic directions (under 4 broad items), covering the 7 IHO objectives (as stated in IHO Convention, article II) Implementation 3 Work Programmes, with deliverables, reference to the Strategic Directions 9 Strategic Performance indicators, associated with the IHO objectives IHO COUNCIL

6 Findings Ambiguity in strategic assumptions: mix of hypothesis and context analysis, with various degrees of impact on IHO Complex links between Strategic Directions and Work Programmes Weakness: review / assessment of the SPI IHO COUNCIL

7 Orientation 1: Focus on strategic context
Draft C2-6.1A (under review of the working group) Customers Changing customer base and suppliers in the field of marine data Evolution of navigation - digital technology Marine data for protection of the environment, prevention of marine disasters, blue economy Technology Data, products, information, levels of interoperability Technology changes requiring significant investment and training efforts Policy & Legal framework Resources gap between needs and means for collecting data New actors in the “value chain” of marine data / hydrographic products Data policies: open data, cyber-security, standardization initiatives IMO: 10 pages + 12 pages for outputs IALA: 3 pages IOC: 16 pages IHO COUNCIL

8 Orientation 2: Defining Targets
Strategic Plan More straightforward and focused on targets Simpler for the IHO MS and easier to understand for the non-IHO audience Basis for effective communication Strategic targets, to be reached by 2026, against which progress can be assessed How many? IMO ( ): 7 SD, 40 PI, 86 outputs ( ) IALA ( ): 2 goals, 9 strategy elements, 14 priorities IOC ( ): 4 high level objectives, 3 broad areas, 6 functions (structuring IOC services) Implementation tasks: priorities of the work programmes IHO COUNCIL

9 Structuring targets: broad goals (1/2)
Grouping strategic targets under broad goals Example 1 IHO Member States provides a good coverage of relevant services and products  coordination in providing products and services, based on agreed standards All IHO Member States take a significant part to it and to the supporting works in the IHO bodies  capacities of sharing the burden Example 2 Ensure that hydrographic-based data, information, products, and services are harmonized and accessible through the provision of standards and collaborative international initiatives Advance the practice of hydrography through capacity building and the sharing of expertise such that all coastal states have the opportunity to contribute to domestic and global collections of hydrographic and scientific knowledge. IHO COUNCIL

10 Structuring targets: broad goals (2/2)
Example 3 Maintain Worldwide Standards for SOLAS obligations Promote availability of worldwide navigation services Advance practice of hydrography Enable IHO (to do the above via increased membership, capacity building, partnerships, etc.) Example 4 IHO COUNCIL

11 Orientation 3 Review the means to evaluate (or monitor) the implementation of the Strategic Plan IHO COUNCIL

12 Action requested of the Council
Note the report of the SPRWG; Decide to continue the working group Endorse the management plan for the drafting phase Encourage IHO member States to participate to the SPRWG Take any other action considered appropriate C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018

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