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DMR Outreach Activities

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1 DMR Outreach Activities
By: Velma Lawson October 18, 2016

2 Outreach Mission To promote science by forming networks with research societies and other federal agencies as a vessel that will help give insight on the Division of Materials Research (DMR) for the next generation of material researchers and program directors.

3 Who is DMR? Biomaterials Ceramics Condensed Mater and Materials Theory
Condensed Matter Physics Electronic and Photonic Materials Metals and Metallic Nanostructures Polymers Solid-State & Materials Chemistry Designing Materials to Revolutionize & Engineer Our Future Materials Innovation Platforms Materials Research Science & Engineering Centers National Facilities Partnerships for Research & Education in Materials Office of Cross-Cutting Activities in Materials Research

4 Why Should We Invest in Outreach?
To Bring Awareness About DMR Programs To Build Networks and Collaborations To Foster Interaction with PIs, Students , Peers and Colleagues To Provide NSF Guidelines on How to Write a Successful Proposal and Funding Opportunities? To Recruit Potential Program Directors and Science Assistants To Handout Program Contact Cards and Other Materials To Give the Administrative Staff an Opportunity to Learn More About DMR Programs and NSF To Give the Community a Vision of DMR Program Directors

5 Outreach Collaborations
Orlando, FY2015 Raleigh, FY2016* Boston, FY2015 Philadelphia, FY2016 Boston, FY2015 Phoenix, FY2016 Baltimore, FY2016 Provided Materials, FY2015 Salt Lake City, FY2017* Division of Chemistry Division of Physics Christine Broadbridge, CRISP, Education Director

6 Outreach Booth

7 Speed Coaching ACS Meeting APS Meeting

8 Manual vs. Electronic

9 Benefits Human Interactions Promote Science Prompt Responses
Keeping a Cutting Edge on New Advancements in Science New Design and Marketing Skills Giving Back

10 Questions Elaine Washington

11 Thank You! To All DMR PDs Linda Sapochak Neila Odom-Jefferson
Elaine Washington Benita Fair Sandra R. Ivey Creative Design and Marketing Electronic Board Outreach Participation Catherine D. Williams Meghan Ackerman Allison Smith To All DMR PDs


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