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The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 4

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1 The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 4
Pneumatology The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 4

2 Inspiration and Illumination
The Bible is a ___________ book, that it's transmission to man was by the direct act of the Holy Spirit, and that the _______________ aid of the Holy Spirit is required to understand its contents. The definition of inspiration is found in the Word of God itself in 2 Timothy 3:16. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." The expression "inspiration of God" is important. It literally means, "God breathed." ______ Scripture is "God breathed.“ The concept of "all" includes every doctrine, principle, precept, and piece of data, as well as every _______. (1 Pet. 1:19-21) How shall a man who is naturally ________ understand a book that is ___________ spiritual? The answer lies entirely in the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He is the teacher and enabler. (1 Cor. 2:1-14; 1 John 2;20, 27) The Holy Spirit of God who ________ the Word of God conveys the truth of the Word of God to our hearts. His ministry in this respect is absolutely ________ to the effec­tiveness and happiness of our Christian lives.

3 Direction It is the all-important work of the Holy Spirit in providing divine guidance that gives ___________ value to all of His others works in the believer's life. There are some things that the Holy Spirit accomplished at conversion that are sure and _______________, regardless of our failure to realize their impact. The guiding ministry of the Holy Spirit leads us to the understanding of those works and of ______ the works of God in our lives. In the great discourse of John 14,15, and 16 our Lord refers to the Holy Spirit three times as the "Spirit of Truth." (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13) Among the other works of the Holy Spirit there is His vital ministry with reference to the ________. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in guidance or direction in the believer’s life centers in a new relationship with the truth made possible _______ through His ministry. Apprehension of the Truth ‑ FAITH The apprehension of truth is not an intellectual exercise, else the unbelieving world could arrive at knowledge of the truth ________ from the new birth. (1 Cor. 2:14)

4 The apprehension of truth is a ___________ enterprise accom­plished solely through the work of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 2:15,16) This is precisely the fulfillment of the promise of the Lord Jesus in John 16:13‑15. ". . . He will guide you into all truth He will shew you things to come He shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you ... He shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.“ Application of the Truth ‑ OBEDIENCE The Holy Spirit, who lives within, performs the vital function of translating the truth as manifested in the person of Jesus Christ into _________ that both pleases and glorifies God. (John 14:15‑17, 26) The Spirit of God so enables the believer to understand the truth so that application from the truth to daily living becomes ____________. (Rom. 8:1-14) Appreciation of the Truth ‑ LOVE The Holy Spirit continually reminds the believer of his ______________ to God. (Rom. 8:15,16) Further the Holy Spirit guides the believer to understand that though he lives in an ___________ environment, there are wonderful prospects of a much better place to which all believers are moving. (Rom. 8:17-25) As the Holy Spirit makes intercession for the believer, He communicates the fact that God _______ His people "with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3; (Rom. 8:26-39)

5 Admonitions to Believers
_________ not the Holy Spirit – Eph. 4;30 _________ not the Holy Spirit – 1 Thess. 5:19 ______ in the Spirit – Gal. 5:25 Response of Unsaved People ___________ – Acts 7:51 Doing Despite or ___________ – Heb. 10:29 ___________ – Matt. 12:31,32

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