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The Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method

2 5 Steps: Identify the Problem. Research the Problem.
Form a Hypothesis. Test the Hypothesis. Draw Conclusions.

3 1. Identify the Problem What is your Goal?
What Idea are you trying to test?

4 2. Research the Problem Examine Background Information about the problem. Aids in Developing a Hypothesis. Hypothesis = prediction about a phenomenon.

5 3. Form a Hypothesis Make a Prediction about the problem or goal you are investigating. Compose an “If….Then….” statement. Keep it Simple!

6 4. Test the Hypothesis Perform an Experiment by:
Listing Materials you will need. Outlining a Procedure for the experiment. Identifying How you will Collect Data.

7 5. Draw Conclusions Ask yourself, “Was my hypothesis an accurate prediction?” Base your conclusions on your Experimental Data.

8 Hypothesis, Theory, Law Hypothesis - represents a tentative explanation based on minimal evidence. Ex: dinosaur extinction. Theory - statement based on a significant amount of evidence and has been tested numerous times. Ex: theory of evolution. Source:

9 Law - statement that has been found to be invariable (does not change) under the same conditions.
Ex: law of gravitation.

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