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Write Unit 04 Fingerprints!.

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1 Write Unit 04 Fingerprints!

2 Listen

3 Vocabulary Dactyloscopy The analysis and study of fingerprints. Write
(To look at)

4 Listen

5 Write What are Fingerprints?

6 Listen Cross-Section of Skin

7 Friction Ridge Draw Epidermis Papillary Layer Dermis Hypodermis

8 Vocabulary Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis Papillary Layer Friction Ridge
Write Epidermis Top layer of skin Dermis Middle layer of skin Hypodermis Deep layer of Skin Papillary Layer Ridged layer between dermis and epidermis Friction Ridge Ridges found on your fingertips Help you grip objects Created by the papillary layer of the dermis Can you see the friction ridges on your fingertips?

9 Listen Sebaceous Gland
Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

10 Vocabulary Fingerprint
Write Vocabulary Fingerprint An impression of the friction ridges of a finger Created by oil, dirt, and water/sweat

11 Where do Fingerprints Come From?
Watch Where do Fingerprints Come From?

12 Why are fingerprints unique?
Write Why are fingerprints unique? Fingerprints develop in the womb Pressure of amniotic fluid Creates Papillary Layer Identical twins have different fingerprint Fingerprints are finished by the 24th week of development.

13 Principles of Fingerprints
Write Principles of Fingerprints First Principle: A fingerprint is an individual characteristic; no two fingers have yet been found to posses identical ridge characteristics.

14 Principles of Fingerprints
Write Principles of Fingerprints Second Principle: A fingerprint will remain unchanged during an individual's lifetime.

15 Principles of Fingerprints
Write Principles of Fingerprints Third Principle: Fingerprints have general ridge patterns that permit them to be systematically classified.

16 Characteristics of Fingerprints
Write Characteristics of Fingerprints

17 Listen There are 3 general fingerprint distinctions: Arch Whorl Loop

18 Directions Outline your hands on a piece of paper Look at your fingers
Read and Follow Directions Outline your hands on a piece of paper Look at your fingers Try to identify if you have an arch, loop, or whorl for each finger. Write what you have on your piece of paper.

19 Listen Core Delta

20 Listen Ridge Count

21 Vocabulary Core – the center of the major pattern
Write Vocabulary Core – the center of the major pattern Delta – a triangle shape Ridge Count – the number of ridges on the fingerprint

22 Arch – 5% of population Arch
Write Arch – 5% of population Arch Friction Ridges run across finger while rising up in the middle. They do NOT have, deltas or cores.

23 Arches Tented Arches Similar to the plain arch,
Write and Draw Arches Tented Arches Similar to the plain arch, but has a spike in the center. Spike or “tent” Plain Arch Ridges enter on one side and exit on the other side. 23

24 Write and Draw Loop – 65% of population A loop must have one or more ridges entering and exiting from the same side. Loops have a core and one delta. Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6 ; Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.

25 Write and Draw Loops These patterns are named for their positions related to the radius and ulna bones. Write and draw Radial Loop (Right hand) Loop opens toward the left or the radial bone (thumb). Ulnar Loop (Right hand) Loop opens toward right or the ulna bone (pinky finger). Delta NOTE: On the left hand, a loop that opens to the left would be an ulnar loop, while one that opens to the right would be a radial loop. 25

26 Write and Draw Whorl – 30% of population A plain or central pocket whorl has at least one ridge that makes a complete circuit. There is a core and two deltas Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6 ; Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.

27 Whorls Write and Draw If a print has more than two deltas, it is most likely an accidental. Central Pocket Whorl Plain Whorl Draw a line between the two deltas in the plain and central pocket whorls. If some of the curved ridges touch the line, it is a plain whorl. If none of the center core touches the line, it is a central pocket whorl. 27

28 Whorls – Part 2 Accidental Whorl Double Loop Whorl
Write and Draw Whorls – Part 2 Accidental Whorl Accidental whorls contain two or more patterns (not including the plain arch), or does not clearly fall under any of the other categories. Double Loop Whorl Double loop whorls are made up of any two loops combined into one print. Delta 28

29 Ridgeology Did you know?
Write and Draw Ridgeology Ridgeology: The study of the uniqueness of friction ridge structures and their use for personal identification.1  Ridge Characteristics/Minutiae: Small unique structures created by friction ridges.  The koala is one of the few mammals (other than primates) that has fingerprints. In fact, koala fingerprints are remarkably similar to human fingerprints; even with an electron microscope, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between the two. Did you know? 1Introduction to Basic Ridgeology by David Ashbaugh, May Image from

30 Ridge Characteristics
Listen Ridge Characteristics Use these characteristics as points of identification when comparing fingerprint samples. The more points you can find in common, the better the match!

31 Fingerprint Minutiae- characteristics of ridge patterns
Listen Fingerprint Minutiae- characteristics of ridge patterns Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

32 Ridge Characteristics
Listen Ridge Characteristics Crossover Core Bifurcation (fork) Ridge ending Island Delta Pore Scar EXAMPLE

33 How to Roll Prints Video
Watch How to Roll Prints Video Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

34 Directions Thumb = towards body Fingers = away from body
Read and Follow Thumb = towards body Fingers = away from body 1st – Roll the “pad” portion of your thumb over the ink pad from the left side of your thumb to the right. You do not have to push down really hard! 2nd – Roll the “pad” portion of your thumb from the left side of your thumb to the right in the correct box on your paper to make a thumbprint. 3rd – Continue this process to make a fingerprint of all ten fingers on the 10 card 4th –Use your notes and a magnifying lens to help you figure out what type of pattern is found in each of your fingerprints. Label each one with the pattern’s name.

35 Fingerprint Identification
Write Fingerprint Identification Points of identification/similarity: When minutiae on two different prints match There is no international standard for the number of points of identification required for a match between two fingerprints. Individual Country Standards: United Kingdom: min. 16 Australia: min.12 United States: no legal requirement, but 8-12 is generally accepted.

36 Listen AFIS The Automated Fingerprint Identification System - a computer system for storing and retrieving fingerprints Began in the early 1970’s to: Search large files for a set of prints taken from an individual Compare a single print, usually a latent print developed from a crime scene By the 1990’s most large jurisdictions had their own system in place. The problem - a person’s fingerprints may be in one AFIS but not in others IAFIS—the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System which is a national database of all 10- print cards from all over the country 36 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

37 AFIS 37 AFIS: The Automated Fingerprint Identification System
Write AFIS AFIS: The Automated Fingerprint Identification System - a computer system for storing and retrieving fingerprints IAFIS—the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System which is a national database of all 10- print cards from all over the country 37 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

38 Patent Listen Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

39 Plastic Listen Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

40 Latent Listen Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

41 Write Types of Fingerprints There are 3 types of prints that investigators look for at crime scenes: Patent fingerprints are visible prints transferred onto smooth surfaces by blood or other liquids. Plastic fingerprints are indentations left in soft materials such as clay or wax. Latent fingerprints are not visible but made so by dusting with powders or the use of chemicals. Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

42 Listen Sebaceous Gland
Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

43 Latent Prints Fingerprints are made from secretions.
Write Fingerprints are made from secretions. Most secretions come from three glands: Eccrine—largely water with both inorganic (ammonia, chlorides, metal ions, phosphates) and organic compounds (amino acids, lactic acids, urea, sugars). Most important for fingerprints. Apocrine—secrete pheromones and other organic materials. Sebaceous—secrete fatty or greasy substances

44 Developing Latent Prints
Listen Developing Latent Prints Developing a print requires substances that interact with secretions that cause the print to stand out against its background. It may be necessary to attempt more than one technique, done in a particular order so as not to destroy the print. Powders—adhere to both water and fatty deposits. Choose a color to contrast the background. Iodine—fumes react with oils and fats to produce a temporary yellow brown reaction. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

45 Developing Latent Prints
Write Developing Latent Prints Chemical Reacts with Color Ninhydrin Amino Acids Purple Silver Nitrate Chloride Grey Cyanoacrylate Water White Iodine Fats Brown Other Tools: Lasers Light Sources Black light Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

46 Listen Ninhydrin Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

47 Silver Nitrate Listen Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

48 Cyanoacrylate Listen Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

49 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Listen Cyanoacrylate Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

50 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Iodine Listen Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

51 Fingerprint Forensic FAQs
Write Fingerprint Forensic FAQs Can fingerprints be erased? No, if, for example, they are removed with chemicals, they will grow back. Is fingerprint identification reliable? Yes, but analysts can make mistakes. Is fingerprint matching carried out by computers in a matter of seconds? No, but the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS or AFIS) can provide a match in 2 hours for the prints in its Master File. Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

52 Other Prints Ears—shape, length and width
Listen Other Prints Ears—shape, length and width Voice—electronic pulses measured on a spectrograph Foot—size of foot and toes; friction ridges on the foot Shoes—can be compared and identified by type of shoe, brand, size, year of purchase, and wear pattern. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

53 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Listen Other Prints Palm—friction ridges can be identified and may be used against suspects. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

54 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Listen Other Prints Footprints are taken at birth as a means of identification of infants. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

55 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Listen Other Prints Lips—display several common patterns Short vertical lines Short horizontal lines Crosshatching Branching grooves Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

56 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Listen Other Prints Teeth—bite marks are unique and can be used to identify suspects. These imprints were placed in gum and could be matched to crime scene evidence. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

57 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Listen Other Prints The blood vessel patterns in the eye may be unique to individuals. They are used today for various security purposes. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

58 Listen Biometrics Use of some type of body metrics for the purpose of identification. (The Bertillon system may actually have been the first biometry system.) Used today in conjunction with AFIS Examples include retinal or iris patterns, voice recognition, hand geometry Other functions for biometrics—can be used to control entry or access to computers or other structures; can identify a person for security purposes; can help prevent identity theft or control social services fraud. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

59 The Future of Fingerprinting
Listen The Future of Fingerprinting New scanning technologies and digitally identifying patterns may eliminate analytical mistakes. Trace elements of objects that have been touched are being studied to help with the identification of individuals. To help with identification, other physical features such as eyes and facial patterns are also being studied. Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 6

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