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Happy monday! Please take out your book, notebook, and copy down the learning target! Learning Target: Identify turning points for the protagonist “In.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy monday! Please take out your book, notebook, and copy down the learning target! Learning Target: Identify turning points for the protagonist “In."— Presentation transcript:

1 happy monday! Please take out your book, notebook, and copy down the learning target! Learning Target: Identify turning points for the protagonist “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” ~Albert Camus 9 Dec. 2013

2 Agenda 12/9/13 Plan for the week Portfolio Piece #2 Info Bellwork
Class Discussion Homework: Finish reading Chapter 8 for Wednesday. Think about what you’re bringing in/creating for Portfolio Piece #2 work time on Friday!

3 Plan for the week Tuesday: Reading Day!
Today: Discuss Chapters 6-7 Get portfolio piece #2 options Tuesday: Reading Day! Get extra credit assignment option Wednesday: Wrap up conversation/analysis activity Thursday: analysis activity part 2 Turn in books today if you’re NOT doing the extra credit Friday: In Lab100 for Portfolio Piece #2 work time

4 Portfolio Piece #2 Most important thing to note: you are choosing the opposite type of writing than you submitted for Portfolio Piece #1! Did your rhetorical analysis essay? Choose one of the several personal essay options. Did a personal essay? Choose from one of the many literary analysis options. You have a lab day Friday to work on a new piece to bring in for edits next week. Peer review draft is due at the beginning of class Monday!

5 Bellwork 12/9/13 What was the significance of Ray’s horse riding experience? Write ONE question you can ask the class about anything from the book so far. you may or may not know the answer to the question, but you need to have one to ask!

6 Discussion Listen without having side conversations or working on other assignments Participate! Ask follow-up questions, answer questions, share your thoughts. Avoid circling around the same statements…add something NEW! Make sure we get to a discussion about turning points by the end!

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