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AOFR: Assessment of Operational Field Readiness

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1 AOFR: Assessment of Operational Field Readiness
Fiscal Year Quarter Requirements Acquisition Decision Points System Engineering wTechnical Reviews Logistics Events Major Contract Events wRFP Release wContract Award wIBR wProgress Reviews Production wItem Production wItem Delivers Total Production x x x Test Events wFire Fight wReadiness Review CFD IOC POC Technology Development Engineering and Manufacturing Development Production / Development Integrated System Design System Capability and Manufacturing Practices Demonstration LRIP/IOTE FRP MS-A MS-B MS-C SIB SMC IDM CDR IRRP-RX SVR/MDA/ FCA ILA ILA ILA IOC SK MSU CORE CAPABILITY tMU Contract Award LRIP Lot 1 / IOT7E Support LRIP Lot 2 LRIP Lot 3 Contract Awards LRIP ID Contract Award L/Lead Lot x 6 L/Lead Lot x 6 L/Lead Lot x 14 LRIP Fixed Avionics SIL Flight Control SIL Portable Flight Test Avionics SIL MRI Integrated Testing TECHEVAL (notional) AOTR Developmental Technical Evaluation IOCSR IOT&E (notional) Play and LRIP Report ALTT&E waver notification Early OA OA IOT&E / OPEVAL ALTT&E (Componental) ALTT&E (Systems) LPT&E Report AOFR: Assessment of Operational Field Readiness IOT&E: Initial Operational Test & Evaluation PDR: Preliminary Design Review ALPT&E: Alterative Live Pro Test & Evaluation LPT&E: Live Pro Test & Evaluation PRR: Production Readiness Review CDR: Critical Design Review LRIP: Low-Rate Initial Production SFR: System Functional Review EMD: Engineering & Manufacturing Development MDA: Milestone Decision Authority SIB: System Integration Lab FCA: Functional Certification Audit MSD: Material Support Date SRR: System Requirements Review FOT&E: Follow-On Operational Test & Evaluation OA: Operational Assessment SVR: System Verification Review FRP: Full Rate Production OASD(SE): Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering) TD: Technology Development FRR: Flight Readiness Review TECHEVAL: Technical Evaluation GTV: Ground Test Vehicle OPEVAL: Operational Evaluation TRR: Test Readiness Review ILA: Integrated Logistics Analysis OTRR: Operational Test Readiness Review IOCSR: Initial Operation Capability Supportability Review PCA: Physical Configuration Audit

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