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The business side of things

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1 The business side of things
Yorkshire and Humber Congenital Heart Disease Network The business side of things Dr Elspeth Brown Network Lead Clinician

2 CHD Standards - 2017 Self Assessment Exercise
Excel spreadsheet sent to all Level 3 Centres 16 Children’s Centres 2 ACHD Centres 240 standards Local/Network/Both RAG rate Thank Yousef for developing spreadsheet




6 P IT Telemedicine Nursing PECs Echocardiography Education Audit
Clinical Governance Transition Any more ?? Neither Debra, myself or Jo IT experts. Struggling to find good IT support Telemedecine has been a saga in itself PECS – Lucky we have PECS in most places and are training PECS Some work to check on CPD Echo – a big project. Starting with guidelines who needs echos Then CPD for echocardiographers

7 IT A6 ( L3) National health records summary
A13( L3) Access to IT system in outreach clinics B6 (L3) Local staff member to input into Network database F4(L3) Local internal database linked to Surgical Centre F8(L3) Each Local Cardiology Centre to provide diagnosis information for Network database

8 Engagement - professionals

9 Patient and family support
Facebook – Leedscongenitalheartunit CHSF National charities

10 Telemedicine A12 (L3) Links to the surgical centre for Echo assessment
Participation in MDT meetings Emergency referrals Image transfer (echo,CT,MRI)

11 Nursing A17(L3) B2(L3) Designated nurses with training in paediatric cardiology/ACHD B4(L3) B3( L3)Designated 0.25wte nurse with a specialist interest to participate in clinics and support inpatients E6(L3) Rotations for local nurses

12 PECs/ACHD Doctors B1 (L3) At least one PEC or Consultant Cardiologist with an interest in ACHD PECs 20% of job plan in paediatric cardiology Be part of a CHD Network Linked to a consultant paediatric cardiologist Take responsibility for the running of a joint clinic Hold an Honorary Contract with the Surgical Centre A15(L3)To attend MDT 6 times per year

13 Cardiac Physiology B8(L3) Each Local Cardiology Centre must have a cardiac physiologist with training in congenital echocardiography D5(L3) Range of equipment and investigations to be agreed with Network -Access to range of cardiac physiological investigations -24/7 access to modern echo equipment -Facility to store and transfer echo images

14 Education and Research
E4(L3) Formal annual training plan for all healthcare professionals involved in CHD E5(L3) Sufficient nurse educators to provide standardised training and competency based programmes G1(L3) Each Level 3 Centre should participate in research

15 Clinical Governance F2(L3) All clinical teams to operate within a robust clinical governance framework - network audit and quality improvement - network meetings - guidelines and protocols - review of mortality, morbidity and adverse incidents F3 (L3) Local Centres must report on adverse incidents and the learning must be shared locally and nationally

16 Clinical Audit F1(L3) Collaboration on inter-unit peer review every 5 years F5(L3)Participate in audit with at least 1 audit of clinical significance every year F6(L3) Audits must link with similar audits across the Network

17 Transition I1 ( L3) Networks to minimise loss of patients to follow up during transition and transfer Loss to follow up rates must be discussed at Network meetings Transition must be tailored to individual circumstances

18 Feedback Feedback to all the Level 3 Centres Agree action plans
Quality Dashboard ASK US TO DO THINGS !!

19 The Next 6 months Establish the Network Board
Describe the Network’s clinical governance framework Ensure consistency around tariffs Agree a work programme for the next 2 years based around the standards Keep planning to be the best NHS England have agreed some funding and will soon release guidance on network board consistency, structure and accountability


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