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Electronic Staff Record

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1 Electronic Staff Record
John Llewellyn, Group Programme Manager, North Mersey LIS Sue Hodkinson, ESR Account Manager, NHS ESR Project Team Introduce self, role Questions - as & when or at end? Agree timing

2 Agenda Introduction and Vision Rollout Plans & Progress to date
ESR Principles & Benefits The Implementation Approach & System functionality Project Support Wave 4 Project Implementation Questions

3 What is the Electronic Staff Record system?
World Class single, national, integrated HR & Payroll Solution Used by all 650 NHS organisations throughout England and Wales One of the world’s largest IT implementations The ESR central team includes NHS and McKesson staff, working together in the design and implementation of the solution. 1.2 million NHS employee records will be stored on ESR – covering 7% of the working population in England and Wales. Delivered by a consortium Contract value c£400m

4 Why should the NHS use it?
Approved by the Secretary of State Sponsored by the Department of Health Value for Money Contract covers the entire NHS The Taxpayer would pay twice Approval required from Department of Health to withdraw Additionally…….

5 …..ESR is a World Class Solution
Using HRMS, ESR is a world class application, also used by organisations such as: The main objective of this slide is to reassure the NHS that the Oracle HRMS platform is a proven product across public and private sectors.

6 ESR supports the achievement of the goals
ESR Vision 2008 ESR implemented across England and Wales A national integrated HR and Payroll solution, supported by standardised processes providing HR & Payroll with increased strategic & analytical capabilities Employees and Managers benefit from an improved HR & Payroll capability and from having access to information using Self-Service At present, a few trusts currently have good integrated processes systems but the majority have manually intensive, paper driven processes with many occurrences of duplication of effort in maintaining separate systems. There is widely differing ability to provide consistent management information and as a result many trusts are unable to meet the demands of the NHS Plan. By 2008 all NHS organisations will be using ESR. Prior to roll out the ESR solution has been designed, built and tested in conjunction with pilot sites. (15 pilot groups = approx 44 sites, representative of all types of NHS organisation). The goals described for people management in the HR in the NHS plan require an effective HR management system that is fully integrated and used consistently across the whole of the NHS. To support this ESR is underpinned by streamlined national processes. For HR & Payroll professionals, ESR reduces the manual, administrative, transactional work, and provides timely, accurate information to empower HR & Payroll to become more effective and provide a better service to the organisation. ESR self-service functionality have access to the system and ensures line managers can spend less time form filling whilst also having access to information (e.g. Sickness absence) to allow them to proactively manage their staff. Employees also have access to their own data (appraisals & PDP’s, wider access to training opportunities etc) ESR provides access to accurate management information enabling strategic and operational analysis to inform Trust management planning. ESR will offer user friendly and flexible tools to allow data to be extracted more efficiently, and with this information, trusts will be more aware of issues/trends, and can act upon the data to remove issues and reduce risk. ESR will help achieve the goals of the NHS Plan, redesigning jobs around patient pathways and increasing staff numbers. The ESR solution has been designed to support key national initiatives i.e. becoming a first class employer (by increasing staff skills, knowledge, and morale) to provide first class patient care. Beyond the roll-out, the NHS will build on this foundation to add more employees (e.g. additional healthcare staff & more functionality – extending the scope of the ESR solution in line with new user requirements and national initiatives NOW Organisations are able to meet their strategic needs by having access to accurate and timely information Manually intensive, paper driven processes Duplication of effort across departments Fragmented systems Information often inaccurate, conflicting & difficult to obtain ESR supports the achievement of the goals of the NHS Plan

7 Rollout Plan 12 waves of Rollout Go – Live every 2 months
Approximately 50 sites per wave with c100,000 employees per wave Go – Live every 2 months Engagement 14 months Critical path activities – training and data ESR

8 Prerequisite Start Date Implementation Start Date
National Rollout Timetable Wave Prerequisite Start Date Implementation Start Date Go-Live Date 1 01-Apr-05 01-Jul-05 01-Mar-06 2 01-Jun-05 01-Sep-05 01-May-06 3 01-Aug-05 01-Nov-05 01-Jul-06 4 01-Oct-05 01-Jan-06 01-Sep-06 LIVE! 5 01-Dec-05 01-Nov-06 6 01-Jun-06 01-Feb-07 7 01-Aug-06 01-Apr-07 8 01-Oct-06 01-Jun-07 9 01-Sep-06 01-Dec-06 01-Aug-07 10 01-Oct-07 11 01-Mar-07 01-Feb-08 12 01-May-07 01-Apr-08 * Cheshire & Merseyside Waves highlighted in Red

9 Progress to Date LIVE! in five phases
Forward three pilot sites LIVE! Agenda for change compliant solution in December 2004 NHS Jobs Interface in January 2005 Main pilot sites LIVE! in five phases Rollout Wave 1 LIVE March 2006 Wave 2 LIVE May 2006 Wave 3 LIVE July 2006 Wave 4 LIVE September 2006 274 Organisations live and 504,736 employees being paid by ESR Rollout complete by early 2008

10 Agenda ESR overview Introduction and vision
ESR benefits & Progress update ESR in Cheshire & Merseyside Next Steps Questions

11 ESR Principles Single National Solution Minimal Customisation
Minimal Local Configuration Flexibility for future growth/changes Consolidated set of National Reports Reduce data duplication / re-keying Minimal customisation – To standardise processes on best practice To minimise charges To facilitate easier upgrades Minimal local configuration To promote knowledge sharing and minimise learning curves for HR/Payroll staff transferring between NHS organisations National solution Flexibility may need to accommodate more records, more/different functionality National reports There is a later slide giving more detail on reports Reduction of rekeying Data input once and available throughout system

12 ESR Benefits Modernisation Efficiency Information Empowerment

13 Supports other national initiatives
“ESR will support you in meeting the goals of the NHS Plan….” Pay Modernisation Performance Mgt [Healthcare Commission/ Monitor] HR in the NHS Plan Improving Working Lives ESR ESR will help achieve the goals of the NHS Plan, redesigning jobs around patient pathways and increasing staff numbers. The ESR solution has been designed to support key national initiatives. HR in the NHS Plan – ESR provides information to support the achievement of each of the 4 pillars: - 1) Model employer e.g. IWL standards, staffing profiles (demographics) 2) Model career e.g. individuals training records, KSF values, appraisals & PDP’s 3) Improving staff morale – linked to IWL & Agenda for Change 4) Building people management skills – reduced data entry allows move from transactional to strategic HR – adding value; training & development records Agenda for Change – ESR incorporates New national pay structures & terms & conditions Individuals attainment of KSF values and online PDP’s Information on employment costs & budgets. Improving Working Lives – ESR can provide management information to support key areas. For example: - HR Strategy & Management – turnover and vacancy rates Equality & Diversity – information on age, disability, gender, ethnicity etc in relation to applicants and staff Healthy working – sickness absence records Training & Development – records staff applying for & attending training events; records individuals PDP information Performance Mgt – ESR will provide various employee information Trusts require e.g. IWL standards, sickness and absence rates and junior doctors hours (if using T&A)

14 Implementation Approach
Prerequisite phase (3 months) StHA engagement Trust/payroll group engagement Project Board Project Initiation Document Training for project team Readiness to start implementation Implementation phase (8 months) Project plan for local customisation Hands-on support at payroll group/Trust level Intensive implementation work Training for operational staff Testing of localisations and GL interface Testing of readiness to operate Go-Live Post go-Live Each NHS organisation will undergo an 11 month ESR implementation period. In order to contain costs, we are on very tight contractual timescales and it is essential the roll- out wave deadlines are met. Organisations will work together as payroll groups, i.e. a payroll provider plus its clients. The provider will take a lead role and will obviously provide the payroll information; however, the other organisations will need to be fully engaged and provide HR and other information. The StHA will need to be engaged first, as they will have a monitoring and performance management role throughout ESR implementation. There will be 3 months of prerequisite activity to ensure that organisations are geared up and ready to go right from the start of their 8 month intensive implementation period. Prereq activity includes setting up a project governance structure, identifying people to fulfil the key roles, developing a PID, ensuring the project team undergo ESR training, etc. The 8 month implementation phase includes all the activities (technical and change management) necessary to implement ESR. This includes data preparation, testing, training for operational staff, etc. Amount of work to be done will depend on starting point and state of current systems, from manual HR and outsourced pay, through to fully integrated HR/Payroll legacy system

15 Readiness Assessments
Prerequisite phase (3 months) Implementation phase (8 months) Throughout the implementation period there will be periodic readiness assessments to check that the organisation is ready to proceed to the next stage. The first one will be at the end of the prereq stage, followed by further checks for data loading, user testing and final cutover/go live. It is essential to pass Readiness Assessments to proceed to the next stage Ready? Ready? Ready? Ready?

16 Local & National Project Governance
ESR ROLLOUT PAYROLL GROUP PROJECT BOARD PER GROUP GROUP PROJECT MGR PAYROLL LEAD PER ORGANISATION HR LEAD FINANCE LEAD IT LEAD TRAINING LEAD We will be maintaining issue and risk logs which will be closely monitored. This slide illustrates the escalation process for risks and issues that occur during the project (it is not an organisation chart showing line management responsibility). The key message is that, with such a time critical and intensive prerequisite and implementation period, issues must not be ignored or avoided (prevented wherever possible, certainly, but not ‘avoided’ once they have occurred). They must be identified and addressed as promptly as possible. You will see that the Account Manager escalation route is to Jim O’Connell, the ESR Programme Director, and yours is the StHA. Any issues that cannot be resolved at this level will be escalated to Nick Greenfield, Deputy Director of HR at the DH, and Senior Responsible Officer (and in this case Single Responsible issue Owner) for the ESR Project. From a local project governance perspective, the principle is operating at a payroll group level with a project board constituted by representatives of all organisations within the group. Similarly, the payroll lead support may represent all organisations within the group [as the common denominator!]. However, it is essential that each organisation within the group has individual leads - as reflected in the green box in the slide. This will facilitate local ownership of the implementation.

17 Data Warehouse - Central Reporting
Composition of ESR Data Warehouse - Central Reporting ESR Core Solution Standard Interfaces E-Recruitment NHS Pensions Agency Inland Revenue BACS Occupational Health Time & Attendance NHS National Directory General Ledger Local Reporting Recruitment Core HR Inter-Authority Transfers Employee administration (New Hire-Changes-Termination) Employee Relations Payroll Processing Absence Pensions Travel & Expenses Training Administration & Career Management Bank Administration Employee & Manager Self Service ESR provides the full range of HR & payroll functionality, from recruitment through employee changes, payroll and training functionality. In addition there is a bank administration module. Self-service is included in core functionality but trusts can choose when to implement it as it does require IT infrastructure and IT literacy on the part of staff. There are two aspects: Manager Self Service and Employee Self-Service. Both are controlled by workflow, so that changes will usually have to be approved by someone else before being saved to the database. Basis of ESR is work structures – establishment based, with positions and organisational structure. Will need to agree with Finance how kept in line with General Ledger Security within the solution is robust with user responsibility profiles determining a users access. At a local level, ESR provides access to accurate management information via user friendly and flexible tools allowing data to be extracted more efficiently, and in many different formats. Standard interfaces include those at a national level e.g. E-recruitment & the NHS Pensions Agency as well as local ones e.g. General Ledger. Additionally, there are executable options, with interfaces provided at an additional cost. The data warehouse will gather trust information for central reporting. There are national business processes to encourage the standardised use of the ESR and ensure the most effective use of the solution. Work Structures Security Underpinned by ESR National Business Processes

18 Organisational Security
1.2 Million NHS Employees 455 455 West Midlands Health 564 564 Eastern Borders Health Care Trust 125 125 South West PCT For the main application security is on an Organisational (Trust) basis All NHS employees will be held on one database (which contains around 1.2 million NHS employees). Organisations will be restricted to information concerning their own employees through a system known as the ‘Virtual Private Database’, or VPD. Therefore a set of 3 numeric digits are used to prefix the majority of local sets of values. This is the VPD number. Items of national significance / usage are prefixed with NHS in most cases. These values have been incorporated into the National Workforce dataset.

19 Agenda Next steps – Data Management Introduction and vision
ESR overview ESR benefits & Progress Update ESR in Cheshire & Merseyside Next steps – Data Management Questions

20 Support In Implementing
Account Managers Implementation Consultants Full documented guidance Kbase ESR Implementation Toolkit Readiness Assessments E-learning materials and user guides Benefits Pack ESR Central Team specialist resources Training courses You will receive significant support from the central team to assist you with your ESR implementation. First, the services of an Account Manager, particularly in the prereq stage. More details of the AM role follow Implementation consultants - one per payroll group, who will be on-site during the 8 month implementation phase, and will assist with the day-to-day tasks. An implementation toolkit that takes you through all the required steps and explains the work that has to be done Readiness assessments, so that you understand what is required at each assessment checkpoint and, once passed, can proceed with confidence to the next checkpoint. E-learning materials (as well as training courses) that will allow staff to understand system functionality. A Benefits Pack that will lead you through the process of identifying the benefits you want to realise, and showing you which processes, activities, and parts of the system will allow you to realise them Access to technical expertise within the national central team, when required. As well as e-learning, classroom-based training to cover core aspects of the system

21 The Account Manager … Central Project Team • Design Solution
Build Solution Project Management Planning Implement the Solution Learn from other sites Feedback e.g. issues and risks Local Implementation Co-ordinate across the StHA area Ensure/Assure site readiness to commence implementation Advise on local resource and governance requirements Ensure sites complete pre-requisite activity on schedule Understand the ESR Solution Account Manager Escalate issues to StHA and/or ESR central team At the prereq stage, the Account Manager is the link between the central team and the local site. Their main deliverable is to hand over to the implementation consultant 8 months before go-live an organisation or group that has completed all its pre-requisite work and is ready to “hit the ground running” from Day 1 of the implementation phase. The Account Manager function is provided and managed by the NHS. Implementation Consultants will be introduced to you 9 months from go-live. Their role is to: Understand the ESR solution Provide on site support to ESR Payroll Group Work with the local Project Manager in the planning process Work to resolve and/or escalate group implementation issues Ensure implementation milestones are completed Ensure/Assure site readiness to go live on ESR The Implementation Consultants are mostly McKesson staff with technical and project management backgrounds.

22 Sue Hodkinson, NHS ESR Project Team
Questions? Sue Hodkinson, NHS ESR Project Team Account Manager – Cheshire & Merseyside Tel:

23 ESR Roll Out Wave 4 North Mersey Implementation
The ESR Experience

24 Wave 4 Trusts Liverpool Women’s Hospital Royal & Broadgreen
Merseycare NHS Trust Southport & Formby PCT South Sefton PCT North Liverpool PCT Central Liverpool PCT South Liverpool PCT Total employees migrated 1497 5430 4868 439 772 738 1761 669 16174

25 Local Legacy Systems Payroll HR SPS Delphi Delphi Mapis
Health Resource Prime

26 Project Management Approach
PRINCE2 Methodology Project Plan determined nationally Fixed non-negotiable milestone dates (with financial penalties) Implementation split into discrete work packages 5 Structured gateways (Readiness Assessments)

27 Project Management Approach
Transparent routes for escalation of issues Local issues/risk logs maintained Regular Status reporting through to Execs / project teams Programme and Project Management activities required.

28 Policies and Procedures
Schematic Localisations Maintain Staging Master Education EFL Education Sys Admin & Payroll Education HR and Disco Policies and Procedures Confirm Go-live Transform Coding DMD1 DMD2 DMD3 LST UT GL Development GL Update Scope Data Cleanse Corrective Data Cleanse Ongoing Data Maintenance Monthly Data Submission From Trusts RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4

29 Local Challenges Unseen systems 2 legacy payroll systems
Move of payrolls during implementation Organisational Change Merging PCTs Shared HR Service established Complexity of Payroll Group AfC

30 Issues Faced Some local project teams under resourced
limited contingency cover for key staff Part time staff unavailable for quick turnaround of work Holidays taken during key phases of implementation Data Cleansing not completed on planned timescales E-learning packages not completed by project staff TPLY not fully utilised Finance staff late in engaging with NHS GL interface team Shortcomings in technical support

31 Issues Faced Cost and subjective codes changed in legacy without notification to the project team Relocation of payroll team during key phase of implementation Competing demands on staff time - AfC, rotation of junior doctors etc. Mapping problems from unseen systems Delayed cleansing reports Third Party data extract problems World Cup

32 Lessons Learned Top-down commitment to providing appropriate levels of resource. Establish clear post go-live vision and communicate widely Manage expectations Early and clear communications to Trust staff Carry out process-mapping exercise early Timely data cleansing. Address FUSE and staging Master reports as soon as received Commence Process review as early as possible

33 Lessons Learned Involve Finance, and Training leads early and throughout the implementation Approach the implementation from the perspective of post go-live view – avoid silo working Ensure clear agreement is reached within the Trust over organisational hierarchy (work structures) Ensure appropriate people receive work structures training. Address change management issues as early as possible Understand unique functionality of ESR e.g. Date Tracking, Retro Pay etc.

34 Lessons Learned - Education
Ensure that correct people attend formal ESR training Fully utilise e-learning and TPLY Undertake e-learning in sequential order i.e. Recruitment, HR,Payroll Develop local training plan to roll out to wider group of users within the Trust. Where possible cross train staff i.e. HR attend payroll training and vice versa. Use KBase resource

35 Lessons Learned Begin the Communication process early
Staff input into data cleansing Potential changes to forms, processes Changes to payslip Changes to paydates? Possible impact on payroll/ hr activities – AfC, Travel expenses etc. Increase the Communications steadily towards Go-live Set up an ESR Help line/helpdesk

36 Keys to a successful implementation
Agree vision and review regularly Start early Resource appropriately – key staff released from “day job”. Understand demands on staff and provide support. Complete all scheduled training and familiarisation Adhere to the project plan Maintain a positive committed approach

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