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2 Brainstorm/Discussion…
What are some global conflicts or social issues that are occurring right now or people are dealing with on a daily basis? texting & driving; texting & walking bullying/cyber bullying importance of exercise and healthy diet importance of staying in school smoking drug abuse use of animals in scientific experiments Mental health (depression, anxiety etc.) environmental issues (recycle, car pool, etc.) social media

3 What is a P.S.A.?? P.S.A. = Public Service Announcement
Poster and/or videos that inform the public about current issues, health concerns, safety concerns, debated topics & conflicts of society Include facts & opinions about the topic at hand Also work towards convincing & persuading the audience of a specific viewpoint or to join in on changing the world for the better! Usually provides solutions & alternatives

4 Persuasive Techniques used in P.S.A.s…


6 More Persuasion Techniques…

7 Watch, Analyze, Discuss…
For the following PSAs you will take notes. You are to note who is in the announcement, what it’s about/what the message is, the music, lighting, tone of voice, what kinds of images are being shown, do they ask for money, what techniques are being used, etc

8 Ad Council Examples… “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk”
a private, non-profit organization that uses volunteers to help deliver critical messages to the American public Ad Council Examples… “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk”



11 Poster/ Bulletin Board Examples…


13 Analyze/Discussion! You have just viewed a few public service announcements-both videos & posters What are the similarities between these PSA’s? What are some notable differences? Are there any ideas which are conveyed across the board in each PSA? Which of these PSA’s resonated most with you? Why?

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