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Elements of Short Stories

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1 Elements of Short Stories

2 Setting Place: Geographic location (where)
Time: Year, season, event (when) Weather Conditions Social Conditions: daily life (ex. Rich/poor, home/school, city/country) Mood or atmosphere: What feeling is created at the beginning of the story? Is it bright and cheerful or dark and frightening?

3 Character Protagonist: main character/ hero Antagonist: opposing force
Characterization Appearance Personality How others feel/react to him/her

4 Plot Climax Rising Action Falling Action Resolution Exposition


6 Conflict Human vs. Human (physical)
Human vs. Nature(outside human control) Human vs. Society (ideas, beliefs, customs) Human vs. Self (psychological)

7 Theme Definition: a unifying or dominant idea, motif, etc. (moral)
Video Examples: love is blind, believe in yourself, don’t judge a book by its cover

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