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Assessment, Accountability and CALPADS Update

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment, Accountability and CALPADS Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment, Accountability and CALPADS Update
Chun-Wu Li, Ph.D. Administrator, Assessment and Accountability Assessment Accountability Continuous Improvement Unit Division of Educational Services August 17, 2018

2 Assessment Update CAASPP summer institute materials

3 (See Handout “ELPAC and CALPADS Webinar”)
ELPAC Update (See Handout “ELPAC and CALPADS Webinar”) Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Time: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Event address for attendees: Event number: Event password:

4 ELPAC Email Dated August 15, 2018
Data Corrections ELPAC Dated August 15, 2018

5 Initial ELPAC Scores 3 minutes Running Time = 19 minutes
Slide intent: To discuss the scores that we will receive from the Initial ELPAC. Presenter says: I’d like to share with you the reporting hierarchies for the Initial ELPAC. The reporting hierarchy for kindergarten through grade twelve is shown here. The Initial assessment, which is shorter than the Summative, identifies students who are Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP), or English Learners. The overall score for the Initial ELPAC is a weighted average of the two measures below it. The overall score will produce a scale score and be mapped to three performance levels. All test items in the Initial ELPAC are included in the overall score. There will be a common scale for each grade/grade span because there is no requirement to measure growth on this assessment, and because it’s administered only one time to a student. At the second level in their hierarchy, there are three oral language performance levels and three written language performance levels. At the third level, the domain level, because the number of items in each measure is relatively small, no scores are produced. Materials required: None. No scores No scores No scores No scores

6 Initial Student Score Report
1 2 3 4 3 minutes Running Time = 23 minutes Slide intent: To show a sample student score report from the Initial ELPAC. Presenter says: On the screen we can see a sample of the student score report from the Initial ELPAC. This is the report that you, or the staff that you designate, such as a site ELPAC coordinator, test Examiner, LST correspondence administrator, and/or LST data entry staff, will need to download and print from TOMS. Let’s take a look at what is provided on the report. Please pull out the sample Initial ELPAC student score report located in your binder. The section labeled with a 1 has the student’s name, grade, and the testing year. Section 2 has a short description of the Initial ELPAC and why students take the assessment. Section 3 has the overall score and performance level. Section 4 has the oral and written language performance levels. Section 5 has Initial ELPAC Score Levels and Descriptors. It shows the three ELPAC levels and their score ranges, followed by a short description of the English skills that children at this performance level typically have. Section 6 shows specific information for some students. In some cases, students take an alternate version of the ELPAC. In other cases, a testing irregularity may have happened during an ELPAC administration. These notations would appear in this section on the report. Materials required: Initial Student Score Report Sample 5 6

7 Initial ELPAC Score Levels
Initial Levels 1 minutes Running Time = 20 minutes Slide intent: To discuss the performance level scores that will be received from the Initial ELPAC. The overall score is mapped to three Initial levels: Initial Fluent English Proficient, Intermediate English Learner, and Novice English Learner. As we just mentioned in the previous slide, there are three performance levels for oral language and written language. Those performance level descriptors are: Well Developed, Somewhat to Moderately Developed, and Minimally Developed. Let’s take a look at the score report to see exactly what this will look like. Materials required: None.

8 Summative ELPAC Scores
3 minutes Running Time = 8 minutes Slide intent: To discuss the scores that will be received from the Summative ELPAC. Presenter says: Now let’s review the reporting hierarchy for the Summative ELPAC. At the top level is the overall score. For the Summative ELPAC, students will receive a scale score and that scale score corresponds to one of four performance levels. This is very similar to what you see for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment. The overall scale score is a weighted average of the oral language composite and the written language composite scores. Students will receive one of four performance levels for both oral and written language. As you can see from the hierarchy, the oral and written language composite scores are each comprised of two domain scores. And that takes us to the lowest level of reporting – the domain level. Unlike for the Initial ELPAC, students will receive scores at the domain level for the Summative ELPAC. Because there are fewer items for each domain, there is enough statistical confidence to provide three performance levels, not four, as you see in the composite scores and the overall score. Materials required: None.

9 Summative Student Score Report
3 minutes Running Time = 11 minutes Slide intent: To show a sample student score report from the Summative ELPAC. Presenter says: Now let’s take a look at a sample Student Score Report from the Summative ELPAC. This is the report that will be sent to your LEA, from ETS, in batches, about six to eight weeks after ETS receives your test documents. Student Score Reports for the Summative ELPAC can also be printed from TOMS, just like the score reports from the Initial ELPAC. Please pull out the sample Student Score Report from the Summative ELPAC – it’s the more colorful report! Schools will receive Summative ELPAC Student Score Reports between March and August. Each Student Score Report will provide parents specific information about how well their child did performed on the Summative ELPAC. On the top section is the Overall Score and Level. The Overall Score is the total scale score received by students on this test. The Level is the overall level received out of the four performance levels. The empty box to the right of the overall score information will show multiple years of data for a student. Next year, for example, two years of data will be shown. Three years of data is the maximum that this box on the report will show. On the bottom section is the Oral Language and Written Language score and Level. Remember that Oral Language is comprised of Speaking and Listening, and Written Language is comprised of Reading and Writing. Below those gauges that show the information for oral and written language, you will see the performance levels for each domain. Those are indicated by the check marks. Finally, the back section of the report gives information about the ELPAC and describes each of the ELPAC performance levels and how they align to the ELD proficiency levels. As you can see, the overall level descriptors are: Well-Developed, Moderately Developed, Somewhat Developed, and Beginning Stage. Materials required: Summative Student Score Report Sample

10 2019 Summative (ELPAC) Administration and Scoring Trainings (ASTs)
Registration for the 2019 Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Administration and Scoring Trainings (ASTs) opened. Dates and locations can be found on the ELPAC website at the 2019 Summative ELPAC ASTs web page.

11 Transition the Paper-pencil (PPT) ELPAC to a Computer-based Assessment (CBA)
The 2018 – 19 state budget provided $ million to transition the paper-pencil (PPT) ELPAC to a computer-based assessment (CBA) and develop an Alternate ELPAC, also computer-based, for eligible students with significant cognitive disabilities. The Budget Act language also allows the CDE to contract for this work by amending the current CAASSPP contract to include the ELPAC work so that CAASPP and ELPAC are covered in a single contract.

Although the primary focus of this presentation was the Initial, just a few quick updates in preparing for the Summative in

13 Preparing for the Summative ELPAC (1 of 2)
Only students identified as EL after having been tested with the Initial ELPAC, the 2017–18 Initial CELDT, or who are EL through the correction process, should be tested with the Summative ELPAC. Prior to administering the ELPAC, regularly update SIS/CALPADS. It’s important that only student identified as English learners are administered the Summative ELPAC. In , there were a large number of ineligible student given the Summative. More information will follow next week directly to the LEAs where this occurred. Therefore, it’s critical that LEAs are keeping their SIS/CALPADs records up to date.

14 Preparing for the Summative ELPAC (2 of 2)
Selected LEAs will receive embedded field test materials. Starting in 2019, LEAs will have the option to preliminarily score the Summative ELPAC. Next, there will be a number of LEAs that will be selected this year who will participate in embedded field testing. Finally this year, LEAs will have the opportunity to score their Summative tests preliminarily prior to submissions for official score by the testing contractor. Secure Summative Preliminary Scoring guides will posted in TOMS for LEAs.


16 Accountability Update

17 English Learner Progress Indicator
The spring 2018 ELPAC data will serve as the baseline for this indicator. Because the ELPI ensures progress toward proficiency, two years of data are required for “status”. Three years of data are required to evaluate “change.” ELPI in 2018 Dashboard At the September, 2018 SBE meeting the CDE will recommend that SBE adopt a report for the 2018 Dashboard that shows the percentage of students in each of the ELPAC’s four performance levels at the school and LEA level. ELPI in 2019 Dashboard Status only based on spring 2018 and spring 2019 data. ELPI in 2020 Dashboard Status and change after the third year of results from the ELPAC summative assessment.

18 Four-Year ACGR and Outcome Reports
The CDE has developed the following new DataQuest Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) and Outcome reports that incorporate the new business rule changes: Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (with County/District/School data) Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Outcome Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Outcome (with County/District/School data) To access the 2017 Four-Year ACGR and Outcome reports on DataQuest, navigate to the DataQuest home page at












30 CALPADS Update (See Handouts: “Critical Reminders for 2018 Dashboard” and “Using the One-Year Graduation Cohort for the College and Career Indicator for Alternative Schools”

31 Critical Reminders for 2018 Dashboard

32 Using the One-Year Graduation Cohort for the College and Career Indicator for Alternative Schools
All DASS schools will receive a Dashboard report beginning in 2018. Beginning with the 2018 California School Dashboard (Dashboard), the one-year graduation cohort will be used for the College/Career Indicator (CCI) for all schools participating in the Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) program.

33 Assessment and Accountability Related Items

34 Upcoming Conferences/Meetings/Trainings
September 6 or September 7, 2018: “ELPAC Academy”, RCOE. September 25-26, 2018: “New CAASPP and ELPAC Coordinator Training”, Ontario, 2018. September 27, 2018: “State Assessment and Accountability Information Meeting”, Ontario. October 9, 2018: “CAST Academy”, RCOE. October 23-26, 2018: “NGSS Exploring Performance Assessments in Science (EPAS) Workshop”, RCOE-Murrieta (10/23-24 for ES; 10/25-26 for MS/HS). October 29-30, 2018: “CAASPP Institute,” Riverside Convention Center. November 7-8, 2018: “K-12 BEAL Mathematics Training”, UCR-Extension. November 12-14, 2018: “CERA Conference”, Anaheim. December 5-6, 2018: “K-12 BEAL ELA Training”, RCOE. January 24, 2019: “Interim Assessment and Digital Library Training”, RCOE.

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