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Strategic Development Manager Wales

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1 Strategic Development Manager Wales
James Hicks Strategic Development Manager Wales

2 National Skills Academy for Food and Drink (Wales)

3 As part of the Welsh Governments strategic plan for growth in the food and drink industry in Wales the NSAFD (Wales) is working to help raise the profile of the industry in Wales and develop an Action plan to support the overarching strategy of WG plan

4 Work with food and Drink Manufacturers and processers across Wales reviewing skills needs for the industry and developing new training programmes as required: 5 x ISP (Industry Skills Partnership Groups) with companies across Wales in: Dairy Bakery Food Science Food Technology Brewing Review of NOS ( National Occupational Standards ) Tasty Ambassadors Tasty Tours Tasty Jobs (Pilot) Teachers Guides

5 Background to Tasty Careers
Developed with funding from the Welsh Government & Food & Drink Industry Board Wales Primary focus was encouraging young people to think about a career in the Food & Drink industry Audience – Businesses, Schools, Teachers & Young people Website content – Ambassador case studies, Training providers, Job vacancies, Apprenticeships, Training courses Funding is used to support: Training of ambassadors for school presentations Mailing campaign to schools to raise awareness of the website, resources & ambassador visits Press & PR campaigns Website updates Tasty Tours Resource development (posters, map, myth busters) Tasty Jobs ( pilot scheme )

6 Tasty Careers Ambassadors
The Ambassador outreach scheme, facilitated by the Tasty Careers Wales website, allows schools and colleges to request a careers talk from a local food or drink manufacturing business Ambassadors go into schools & present at careers events, promoting the wide variety of careers available in the Food & Drink industry Main presentation focuses on the careers map, the range of careers and entrance points available in the sector Presentations also go through the ambassadors career to date and their hopes for future progression and career aspirations Ambassadors attend Careers Wales, Skills Cymru and Food & Drink events across Wales to explain their role Provide support and assistance on Tasty Tours within their organisations


8 Tasty Tours Companies involved this year Allied Bakeries ( Cardiff )
Henllan Bakery ( Denbigh ) Castell Howell ( Cross Hands )

9 Draft Agenda for the day
School arrives at the Company Welcome and Safety Briefing Introduction to the Food and Drink Industry Group ice-breaker – what do you want to learn from today? Logo Game What makes our Industry interesting Tasty careers website tour Introduction to the Company Our business Our products Jobs and Careers in Food Manufacturing Tasty Tour – 2 x Groups of 5 (including teachers) Meet the Ambassadors, Split into groups and PPE instruction Tour of the Factory Lunch in boardroom Video – Inside the Factory plus TV lunch Challenge Begins Challenge Presentations School Leave

10 Thank you for the excellent day at Henllan Bakery in Denbigh yesterday
Thank you for the excellent day at Henllan Bakery in Denbigh yesterday. Of all the careers events and work experience promotions I have attended this is most certainly the standout event. The six pupils from year 9 and year10 who came, are 'buzzing' about the experience. Your ambassador, Leigh, at Henllan Bread kept their attention throughout the day. He encouraged questions about each process of production that he showed them and answered them in an professional and entertaining manner. The classroom presentation highlighting the many varied career opportunities within the Food and Drink industry was extremely enlightening and the pupils now have a new and vastly extended outlook on their career choices and the pathways into them. The way that it was presented  was excellent, none of them became bored and being a small group the element of challenge between the tasks was great. The fact that they shared a hands on experience and were able to take home the loaves of bread that they had made really delighted them and created a great sense of' one up-manship' when they returned to school to show their peers. This has in itself begun to generate an interest into careers  opportunities among the other pupils!

11 Thank you so much for today it was a fantastic experience that we all thoroughly enjoyed . It was a very valuable enrichment of the new GCSE Food and Nutrition specification and we would welcome visits in the future if this is something that you are keen to continue with. A huge thank you to all of the ambassadors who were friendly, welcoming and engaging. Just having my year 11's today since the tour and wanted to say that they all thoroughly enjoyed last week's tour. They relaxed during the ice breaker session, was surprised at the range of job opportunities and couldn't believe that some food making factories also made dog food. They were impressed by the friendliness of staff and how organised everything was. It gave them a chance to see team work in progress.


13 Strategic fit. Objectives.
The creation of an industry pledge forms a key part of the Skills Plan for the Welsh food and drink industry. Specifically the strategic aim is to improve the perception and understanding of the food and drink industry in Wales as offering an exciting career of choice, and as such the focus of the pledge is around encouraging businesses to support activity to improve the image of the industry as an exciting place to work. Welsh Government already supports a number of initiatives which are successful. The aim of this skills plan is to drive wider uptake and activity such that the sector creates a positive shift in the perception of the industry. In addition, the proposal is that current activity, which is mainly focussed on the food manufacturing sector, is expanded to encompass companies throughout the food supply chain. Objectives. The objective of the pledge is to encourage businesses to undertake one or more of the activities available to engage with local schools, communities, and local unemployed people to inform and educate them on the career opportunities available in the food supply chain.

14 How the Pledge will work.
Companies will be signing up to being ‘Committed to Tasty Careers’ which means they commit to undertake one or more of these activities each year for 3 years. After signing they will receive a visit from Tasty Careers Wales and have all the options available explained to them and select the most appropriate for their organisation. They will also receive a certificate to signify their involvement and a logo to use on their website. Their involvement will be monitored and PR case studies produced and publicised. This will be used by WG to promote the industry at trade events and highlighted at Taste Wales. All companies benefitting from any Welsh Government support will be expected to commit to this activity as part of their agreement. What are the benefits? o Demonstrates your company is doing its bit for the promotion of the industry o Retailers are increasingly expecting businesses to be undertaking schools engagement o Builds your company image as a local employer of choice o Access to a potential pool of talent now and for the future o Aligns with the values of the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the Economic Action Plan.

15 Opportunity overview. Schools Activity Local Community Activity
o Train an Ambassador - commit to train a Tasty Careers Ambassador and enable them to visit at least one local school to showcase their story and provide an overview of food and drink careers o Host a Tasty Tour - invite local schools into your company to see for themselves how dynamic and interesting the industry is and the different jobs that are needed to make the food we eat o Support a School’s Challenge - coming soon! Help a local school by judging their design & technology challenge to design a new product fit for future generations. Local Community Activity o Tasty Jobs - engage with those advising on (e.g. Careers Wales) and seeking employment in your local area to encourage them to take up real job opportunities in your business o Promotion of the industry - work with local food festivals and community events. Careers Activity o Skills Cymru - join with other food companies and attend the Skills Cymru careers events in Llandudno and / or Cardiff to showcase your company and the exciting roles in them. Workplace pledge o Ensure that all members of staff commit to at least one development / training initiative in the next year.

16 Companies will sign up to the following wording.
The Pledge itself. Companies will sign up to the following wording. The food and drink industry offers great careers in a dynamic environment and is a Welsh success story. We want people to know, particularly young people and people considering a change of career, that the food and drink sector is attractive and inspiring, and we need their talent now. Changing perceptions and attracting people will only be achieved by industry and government creating a long term momentum for change. Welsh Government have invested in developing infrastructure to support a range of solutions and the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board recognise the importance of every business stepping up and getting involved so we, (business name), pledge to play our part in proactively engaging with young people to change perceptions and promote careers in food and drink.

17 Thank you and are there Any questions?
Finally I would like to thank you all for listening . If any one would like to ask questions please feel free.... They may well not have any questions so have some prepared to ask them to get discussion going!!! I will now put up a slide detailing how to get further information on the food industry and here our careers map for you take away and enjoy. Do visit the website which is fun and quirky with loads of interesting facts.

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