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Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) at RICO

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1 Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) at RICO
Don Murray Jeff McWhirter UCAR/Unidata

2 Rain In Cumulus Over the Ocean (RICO)
NSF sponsored field program based in Antigua and Barbuda (Nov ’04-Jan ’05) to evaluate precipitation in association with shallow cumulus across a broad range of scales. Observation Platforms 3 aircraft (NCAR C130, UW Kingair, FAAM BAE-146) S-POL radar RV Seward Johnson NCAR ISS (surface obs and balloon sondes)

3 IDV for RICO Customized version of IDV for RICO (choosers for real-time data, custom maps) New development funded through RDCC proposal Support for 3D displays/readouts of sounding and aircraft data Support for S-POL radar and other real-time streams New functionality defined by participants Used by researchers and graduate students for operations and post analysis Additionally, LDM used to transmit satellite imagery and model grids to ops center for IDV and Zebra use.

4 Benefits to Unidata Community
Support for new aircraft displays (used by ERAU, NTSB) IDV use by the next generation of scientists Strategy for auto-update of some IDV displays Collaborations w/in NCAR for netCDF standards of field project data Datasets being used as test cases for CDM work (radar, trajectory (aircraft and sonde)) IDV seen as a tool in future field projects

5 Lessons Learned IDV functionality comparable to Zebra
Real-time in ops center is more dynamic than real-time IDD feed Realtime data management system needed Watch out for animals on the road when driving

6 Benefits to IDV developers
Working closely with users in a dynamic environment Rigorous testing of new IDV features Exposure of the IDV to a broader community Closer collaborations with other UCAR groups Site visit (Jeff – December; Don – January)

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