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Political Opportunities For Minorities

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1 Political Opportunities For Minorities

2 Class Discussion Remember to raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Do not shout out your opinion. Be considerate of what your other classmates say. Everyone has the right to their opinion.

3 Always the Underdog Minority groups such as women, members of certain ethnic groups, and members of certain religious groups have always been underrepresented in the political and social arena.

4 The Struggle of Women Gender roles are roles specifically assigned to men and women in social situations. In most societies, past gender roles were restrictive. Men worked and appeared in public. While women remained at home, taking care of the family, and performing household chores. So, men usually had more opportunities than women.



7 Questions How do you feel about this?
Is there anything wrong with this? Is it the sole responsibility of the woman to cook, clean, and care for the family?

8 Time for Change The situation for women began to change in the early 20th century, when women in America and some European nations gained the right to vote. For years, women had trouble getting jobs that were originally filled by men. Now, in most modern societies, men and women enjoy equal rights. However, women are still under-represented in top jobs in government and business.


10 Questions Can anyone think of a woman today with a top job in government or business? In which country does this woman hold the position? Would it be possible for this woman to hold that position in Saudi Arabia? India? Cuba?

11 Change for the World In many cultures today, women still lack the same opportunities as men. Some women are required to stay home or wear special clothing. In some Islamic countries, women must cover their face and body whenever they are in public places. They must have a male escort (usually a relative) when they are out in public. Some can’t even drive a car.


13 Questions Why would a woman be required to cover her face and body when out in public? Why would a woman need to have a male escort her? Are these measures for her own protection or a way to keep her subservient?

14 Rights for Women Women are gaining more rights in those restrictive societies. Several countries in which Muslims comprise a majority have recently had women leaders. Almost 1/3 of Egypt’s parliament is now made up of women. That’s twice as many female members as the United States House (75/17%) and Senate (1717%) combined!

15 Minority Rights Homogenous Society: almost everyone belongs to the same ethnic group and shares the same language and traditions Multicultural/Heterogeneous Society: contains a mix of people and cultures. In multicultural societies, there is usually one dominant ethnic group.

16 Long History of Struggle
Throughout history, ethnic and religious minorities have been denied civil and political rights. Minority members may not be allowed to: Own property Use public facilities like parks Use public transportation Intermarriage between groups may not even be legal.


18 Questions Where have ethnic and religious minorities been denied these basic rights? Where are ethnic and religious minorities still denied these basic rights?

19 South Africa and Apartheid
Apartheid: system of racial segregation in South Africa from 1948 to 1994 enforced by the National Party governments The white minority ruled over the black majority. The population was classified by color and rules were enforced. Passes for travel, work, designated living areas


21 Questions How could something like this happen?
Which group held all of the economic/political power?

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