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The Updated Jordan-Falls Stormwater Nutrient Accounting Tool

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1 The Updated Jordan-Falls Stormwater Nutrient Accounting Tool
JFSNAT v4.0 Department of Environmental Quality Trish D’Arconte August 2016 Nutrient Scientific Advisory Board Meeting | August 5, 2016

2 Jordan-Falls Tool: What’s New?
Considerable changes from version 3.0 beta New Capabilities Record information common to local government planning Custom land uses Easy to add new SCMs as they are approved, easy to update Determine delivery factors, target loading rates, buydown thresholds, and credits generated Export format easily imported to databases Corrected Bugs and Errors Catchment routing and calculations Import / export functioning Clearing datasheets, removing catchments Untreated areas previously left off of final export calculations Department of Environmental Quality

3 Jordan-Falls Tool: What’s New?
Easier to Use Copy-paste land use data Buttons all get you where you need to go Warnings for inappropriate or mismatched data input Formats show you required elements Clearing functions reset data validation and formats so you can’t break the spreadsheet with copy-pasting Coming Soon! New Suite of SCMs and Updated EMCs SCM/BMP EMCs revised using new data Totally revisioned under/oversizing, BMPs separated into groups with like under/oversizing behavior Under/oversizing and volume partitioning based on recent NCSU study and other data Department of Environmental Quality

4 Intro Sheet Consistent Appearance Improved Import / Export
Working Buttons Department of Environmental Quality

5 Project Info Sheet Record Nutrient Management Strategy info
Highlighted cells required (now you know) Department of Environmental Quality

6 Watershed Characteristics Sheet
Revised landuse runoff EMCs Checks that your total land use areas match Department of Environmental Quality

7 BMP Characteristics Sheet part 1
Prints 1 catchment per x 11” pages – EASY TO READ Warns you of land use area mismatch More BMPs! Updated BMP data (coming soon) Enter all 3 runoff volume “fates” – free error checking! More required data highlighting So much improved on this page! (too much for text bubbles) Department of Environmental Quality

8 BMP Characteristics Sheet part 2
Displays data for untreated area Catchment routing checks for data entry errors No more merged cells, land uses in the same order (copy-paste to your heart’s content) Department of Environmental Quality

9 Overall Summary Sheet Calculates all sorts of new and useful info
Nutrient credit calculation and delivery to lake Warns you of land use area mismatch Better print layout Catchment data calculates correctly Department of Environmental Quality

10 BMP Summary Sheet ALL underlying runoff, BMP, and catchment calculations reviewed and corrected Department of Environmental Quality

11 Release Date and Bug Reports
Planned formal release late fall 2016, coordinated with DEMLR SCM Crediting Document, and pending DWR Director approval New User Manual Formal engineering review by DEMLR and NCSU BAE in September Contact Trish D’Arconte to report bugs: Department of Environmental Quality

12 Ready to try it? Department of Environmental Quality

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