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Creation Stories.

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Presentation on theme: "Creation Stories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation Stories

2 1 – 6 Grading System

3 Setting Up the Class Biology 11 Class Website Notes
Biology 11 Class Website Notes Supplemental resources Retake rewrite application

4 Random Fact of the Day An elephant’s trunk is an amazing example of evolutionary development. It is a combined nose and upper lip that lengthened as the elephant’s ancestors became taller and their tusks grew bigger. With its heavy head, it needed an easy way to reach the ground.

5 Euro-western creation story
Evolution: the theory that species change over time; it is process of change that produces new species from pre-existing species. Evolution is an important scientific concept because it attempts to explain why living organisms, so similar in their biochemistry and molecular biology, are so different in form and function.

6 Evolution is not the only theory

7 Begin Your Own Creation Story
Use a fictional organism It must have a message Can be illustrated and written

8 Examples

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