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Carly, Grace, Kellen, Emma

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Presentation on theme: "Carly, Grace, Kellen, Emma"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carly, Grace, Kellen, Emma
Meiosis and Mitosis Carly, Grace, Kellen, Emma

2 Meiosis Produces Haploid gametes (sperm and egg cells)
Reduced genetic material by half Used in sexual reproduction

3 Mitosis Creates diploid cells (not sex cells)
Daughter cells are identical to the mother cells Used for growth and repair


5 Mitosis Meiosis Number of divisions 1 2 Number of daughter cells 4
Results identical diploid (2n) daughter cells Reduction division results in haploid (n) cells Genetically identical? Yes No Chromosome # Same as parent Half of parent Where Somatic cells Sex cells When Throughout life At sexual maturity Role Growth and repair Sexual reproduction

6 Phases of mitosis Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase telophase

7 Prophase Chromation condenses into chromosones
Centriole separate and a spindle forms Nuclear envelope breaks down

8 Metaphase Chromosones line up across the center of the cell
Each chromosome is connected to a spindle fiber at its centromere

9 Anaphase Sister chromatids separate into induvidual chromosomes and are moved apart

10 Telophase Chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell
Chromosomes lose their distinct shapes and two nuclear envelopes are formed

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