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Mendel and Meiosis.

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Presentation on theme: "Mendel and Meiosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mendel and Meiosis

2 Genetics-- scientific study of heredity

3 True-Breeding produces offspring identical to themselves if allowed to self pollinate.

4 Trait characteristic that varies from one individual to another

5 Hybrid parents have 2 different traits. Heterozygous for a trait.

6 Gene sequence of DNA codes that determines a trait

7 Allele one of a number of different forms of a gene

8 Segregation separation of alleles during gamete formation

9 Gamete male or female sex cell. Egg or sperm

10 Probability likelihood that something will happen

11 Punnett square diagram that shows the gene combinations that might result from a genetic cross.

12 Homozygous two identical alleles

13 Heterozygous two different alleles

14 Phenotype what the trait looks like

15 Independent assortment
genes are inherited seperatly

16 Incomplete Dominance in heterozygous state the traits(alleles) blend

17 Co dominance when both alleles show up at same time red and white, not pink

18 Multiple alleles more than 2 alleles for trait or gene (blood)

19 traits controlled by 2 or more genes
Polygenic traits traits controlled by 2 or more genes Skin color is controlled by 8 genes

20 Homologous corresponding chromosomes from opposite parents

21 Diploid cell with double set of chromosomes 2n this is the normal number

22 Haploid (monoploid)— 1/2 the normal number of chromosomes. 1n 1 set of chromosomes

23 Meiosis division of primary sex cells to make haploid cells

24 Tetrad 4 chromosomes hooked together at centromere during meiosis

25 Crossing over part of 1 chromosome switches places with part of a homologous chromosome.

26 Gene map map of what the genes look like and what chromosome they are on.


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