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Warm Up "Join, or Die" is a political cartoon, by Benjamin Franklin published before the Revolutionary War. It The cartoon appeared along with Franklin's.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up "Join, or Die" is a political cartoon, by Benjamin Franklin published before the Revolutionary War. It The cartoon appeared along with Franklin's."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up "Join, or Die" is a political cartoon, by Benjamin Franklin published before the Revolutionary War. It The cartoon appeared along with Franklin's editorial about the "disunited state" of the colonies, and helped make his point about the importance of colonial unity. During that era, there was a superstition that a snake which had been cut into pieces would come back to life if the pieces were put together before sunset. 3. Which group of people was the cartoon probably targeted towards? What do the snake’s segments represent? 2. What is the cartoon’s message?


3 Commander of the Continental Army
President of the Constitutional Convention First President of the United States

4 Author of the Declaration of Independence
Founder of the Democratic- Republican Party 3rd President of America

5 Massachusetts’ delegate to the Continental Congress
First Vice-President and 2nd President Signs the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts

6 Scientist, inventor, printer, and patriot
Ambassador to France Helped Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence

7 Father of the Constitution
Author of the Bill of Rights 4th President of the United States

8 Chief of staff to General Washington
Founder of the Federalist Party First Secretary of the Treasury

9 Author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights
Virginia’s delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

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