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Representation SAC Preparation

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1 Representation SAC Preparation


3 Create a table like this to help with your revision!
Concept Definition / Meaning Example / Evidence from Media Text Representation Connotation / Denotation Point of View Mediation Selection and Omission Technical Codes Symbolic Codes Written Codes Conventions / Stereotypes / Tropes

4 What is Representation?
ALL media texts are representations. The depiction of events, people or objects has been selected and constructed by the creator, and is interpreted by the viewer. No media that you see or hear is a tru reflection of realisty, but a representation of it. Everything you see is media-ted or a re-presentation.

5 Denotation: The literal meaning of a word or image
Connotation: The emotions or meanings we attach to a word or image

6 Denotation: Snake. Scaly, legless, reptile. Colorful.
Connotation: Scary, slimy, evil, nasty, disgusting. Or Cool, dangerous, powerful, sexy.

7 Point of view All representations contain the point of view of the creators. The point of view can be expressed in variety of ways, depending on the manipulation of technical and symbolic codes used. -Consider media representations of war. -The point of view of the creator will have a big influence on the way a country or individual is represented.




11 Mediation An influence or interference by a third party between reality and the representation of that reality. What are some examples?

12 Selection and Omission
Media representations are made up by what the media created decides we see and not see Omission is just as important as selection Consider news bulletins, tourism commercials -Australian and Brazilian Commercials

13 Technical Codes Technical Codes are connected to different forms of media. Camera Shot Selection Shot Angle Camera Movement Lighting Where is the light coming from? Intensity of lighing Colour of the light (Consider hospital scences) High key, Low key, Backlit etc

14 Technical Codes (Cont..)
Sound Music Sound Effects Ambient sounds Diegetic / Non Diegetic sounds Mise en scene Where the setting or scene is Significance of props, actors etc Visual compositions

15 Symbolic and cultural codes
Symbolic codes are the ones that exist outside of the media text and within a society as a whole. Facial Expression Gaze Posture Body Contact Clothes and Appearance Colour




19 Visual codes

20 Conventions / Stereotypes / Tropes
Conventions are the way a particular media type is put together, it is the blueprint for the way we expect them to be. Genres are generally a good way to explore conventions Stereotypes are common and simplified representations of a specific group held by a culture or society. Often used in the media as a shortcut to understanding. Tropes are common story elements or pattern that are used.

21 What’s on the written SAC?
A range of short and medium response questions that ask you demonstrate your understanding of all of the concepts covered throughout our study of Representation. You will need to be prepared to provide detailed examples from selected media texts. The texts you should be familiar with are; - The Breakfast Club (examples of technical and symbolic codes, stereotypes etc) - Mean Girls (examples of technical and symbolic codes, stereotypes etc) - Film Posters (Gender) - Advertisements (Gender) -Tourism Commercials

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