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Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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Presentation on theme: "Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Subcommittee 1: Techniques and Developments Zhong Chen SC1 Chair 11/10/2017

2 Update on Working Groups
C63.4 C63.4a C63.5 C C

3 C63.4 Background Started research project with PINS-C after publication of 2014 edition At November 2016 WG meeting, three teams were formed for certain clauses: Team 1 (Clauses 1 to 5)—Heirman leader Team 2 (Clauses 6 to 11)-Popovici leader Team 3 (Clauses 12 & annexes)-Harrington Started with checking the use of “shall” and “should” for normative/informative

4 C63.4 Process Aggressive schedule and work
Leadership team formed among team leaders Teams hold webinars monthly Maintained sequence of team webinars (roughly one week apart) so that work starts with the cover page and advances through the end of the last annex in a 30 day window Over 30 2-hour webinars held in 2017 (over 60 hours of deliberations) Presently close to 95 percent completed

5 C63.4 Tuesday Meeting Started with reviewing the use of “shall” and “should” for normative and informative perspective, respectively—then: Presented draft to date and discussed further changes as needed. Included consideration of all interpretations Reviewed topics to be postponed until after the present one in preparation is published Prepare draft to ballot probably by EOY 2017 PINS to be discussed at SC/1 9 Nov. meeting Target publication in 2018

6 C63.4 Key changes Added phase for LISNs
Proper use of shall/should aggressively pursued Added new Clause 1.4 (dimensional tolerances) Measurement uncertainty now applies to entire document Revised and added definitions (bin size, arrangements, configurations, auxiliary, peripheral, test setup, etc. New sub-clause for preamps Clarified average detection Reformatted tables 1, 2 and 3 on antenna use Active loop, monopole and horn overload addressed

7 Other key changes Calibration of measuring equipment was updated to cover all ancillary equip. Use 2017 version of C63.5 and new version of C63.2 Continue to use undated ANSI C63 references Clarified turntable below and above 1 GHz (metallic, non-metallic) Moved text around to where it belongs without changing requirements Vertical coupling plane was clarified for table, floor, combination equipment Test site below 30 MHz to use ground plane without NSA needed Annex D not addressed as it is handled the in C63.4a Amendment Removed patch of absorber on ground plan; all >1 GHz must meet SVSWR to 18 GHz (applicable to 40 GHz) In-situ testing is aligned with C63.10 content

8 Detailed Activity Added phase requirements and updated the magnitude requirements for LISN's impedance and removed requirement to calibrate the LISN with the extension cord (when used) Shall/should exercise ("shall" is now defined as a normative requirement and "should" is a recommendation). In some places, "should" was changed to "shall" and vice-versa. Added new Clause 1.4 (dimensional tolerances) Reformatted the antenna tables 1, 2 and 3 (now tables 2 to 9) Now using C and C Vertical coupling plane was clarified for table, floor, combination equip. Removed patch of absorber on ground plane, all >1GHz must meet SVSWR to 18GHz (40GHz) Modify test method and test site requirements for magnetic field radiated emissions below 30 MHz Added clear requirements for terminating EUT cables and for cable type. Added pole-mounted EUT. Updated the requirements for EUT arrangement for radiated emissions to account for large systems, with multiple units. The EUT arrangement must be centered onto the turntable.

9 Detailed Activity Updated the requirements for EUT arrangement for radiated emissions to account for large systems, with multiple units. The EUT arrangement must be centered onto the turntable. Clarified how the measurement distance for radiated emissions is defined, including clear definition of the antenna reference point and boundary of the EUT. Added restrictions on possible measurement distances (minimum and maximum), for each frequency range. Updated the test method for radiated emissions above 1GHz to account for the antenna beam-width relative to the EUT dimensions. added requirements for testing EUT with HDMI input (in 12.2) or output (in 12.3) Annex D of ANSI C replaced by the Annex D version from ANSI C63.4a-2017, with modification(s) to clarify height-scan step size (etc.); website link to utility spreadsheet for calculating theoretical NSA added in D.7. Informative Annex E on radiated emission exploratory maximizations updated to support reduced test times.

10 Detailed Activity Clarified the 2dB rule (for EUT with multiple cables / modules of same type) by means of examples. Added clear requirements for terminating EUT cables and for cable type. Removed the terms “accessory” and “peripheral” and used instead “ancillary”, “auxiliary”, and “associated” for consistency and clarity. Added pole-mounted EUT. Updated the requirements for EUT arrangement for radiated emissions to account for large systems, with multiple units. The EUT arrangement must be centered onto the turntable. Updated and corrected the requirements for placement of power converters/adapters. Clarified under what conditions a common EUT arrangement for both conducted and radiated emission measurements is possible. Clarified under what conditions cable manipulation need not be performed for maximizing emissions. Updated the EUT arrangement diagrams to make them general, not PC-specific. Added requirements on what power adapter must be used for conducted emission testing, when this is not marketed together with the EUT.

11 Detailed Activity In Informative Annex H guidance for use of spectrum analyzers in emission measurements: miscellaneous descriptions updated for clarifications; subclause H.5 on use of preamplifiers omitted as replaced by the new 4.xx with its cross-reference to the latest provisions in CISPR :2015; additional descriptions about display modes and detector types (tbd) added. (awaiting input from Mark Terrien) Citations to recent ISED documents added in Annex I guidance on regulatory requirements. Annex N of ANSI C on hybrid antennas renumbered to be Annex K; miscellaneous measurement procedure steps updated for clarifications; equation corrections from ANSI C63.4a-2017 and recent ASC C63® interpretations are included. Added requirements on what power adapter must be used for conducted emission testing, when this is not marketed together with the EUT. Fixed the VCP spacing requirements, for both tabletop and floor-standing (this is Team 1, but also in Team 2). Defined the measurand for radiated emissions, for all three frequency ranges: below 30MHz, MHz, above 1GHz. Clarified how the measurement distance for radiated emissions is defined, including clear definition of the antenna reference point and boundary of the EUT. Added restrictions on possible measurement distances (minimum and maximum), for each frequency range. Significant update to the test method for magnetic field radiated emissions below 30MHz. Added extrapolation factor that must be used below 30MHz (TBD – from C63.30). Added conversion requirement from magnetic to electric field strength (based on the free-space impedance). Updated the test method for radiated emissions above 1GHz to account for the antenna beam-width relative to the EUT dimensions (TBD). Combined clause 9 with Annex C text and removed Annex C (Team 3, but also Team 2). In Clause 12 on unintentional radiators other than ITE: miscellaneous measurement procedure steps updated for clarifications; guidance for HDMI interface emission measurements of TV interface devices added. {PENDING Horia etc}

12 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.4a (Amendment of C mainly on test site validation (30 MHz to 1 GHz) Don Heirman

13 C63.4a: Status Published on 10/17/17!! Thanks to all WG members
Order at this website: Enter “C63.4a” in “Find a Standard” prompt WG disbanded

14 C63.5 – Chair: Doug Kramer Reboot of the working group (14 attendees at meeting) Working group list to be posted PINS for Corr. (requires vote) PINS for next Version (approved in MD) Topics Loop Calibration Alternative sites Time-gating Other topics (Uncertainty, Free-Space, CISPR coordination)

15 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Meeting Highlights – C63.25 WG Face to face meeting Tuesday Nov. 7, 2017 held at ETS-Lindgren (28 attendees) Proposal to have a stand-alone NSA site validation standard as C (30 – 1000 MHz) Majority of the attendees agreed to move C63.4a Annex D (NSA) into C (adopted)

16 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Meeting Highlights – C63.25 WG cont. Work on merging C63.4a Annex D (NSA) into C will be completed by early December C63.25 Draft (above 1 GHz) is now C and will be circulated to SC1 in the coming weeks The C63.25 WG will consider Measurement Uncertainty for a future draft of C PINS for C (moving Annex D out of C63.4a) presented to SC1 (…next slide)

17 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Motion Reason for the motion: New PINS for C (moving Annex D out of C63.4a) and including any relevant information from C63.4 and C63.5 which impact NSA measurement (e.g. Antennas allowed to be used, geometry-specific correction factors for biconical dipoles used in normalized site attenuation measurements See attached PINS for C

18 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Background The CISPR technique for site validation above 1 GHz (CISPR : ), called the Site-VSWR (sVSWR) approach, is referenced C The alternative approach to test site validation is the time domain method detailed in C The user will now have the ability to select the option of choosing among the two techniques. Because the time domain approach is relatively new and as yet to be adopted universally, detailed specifics of how to perform the measurement will be provided in C Scope in C : This standard provides methods of measurement requirements for the validation of radiated emission test sites in the frequency range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz. These requirements are applicable to fully anechoic rooms (FAR) and when spectrally treated on the floor open-area test sites (OATS), fully- and partially-covered OATS, semi-anechoic chambers (SAC).

19 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Advantages of C63.25 TDR Method is an excellent tool for troubleshooting site issues. The TDR method has several useful features: such as requiring less time to perform the validation above 1 GHz giving an indication of where the site may be deficient and thus allowing the use of corrective measures to bring the site into compliance Family of C63.25 standards: C (1 GHz to 18 GHz) TDR C (30 MHz to 1 GHz) NSA Future plan for below 30 MHz, C

20 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Action Items - C63.25 WG Item Description of action item Responsibility Open/Due 1 Bob DeLisi will present a PINS to SC1, regarding C (moving Annex D out of C63.4a) 30 MHz to 1 GHz Bob DeLisi Due Nov 8, 2017 2 Move C63.4a-2017 Annex D into C as soon as possible ~ December 4, 2017 Don Heirman Greg Kiemel Due December 4, 2017 3 Move C xx (1 GHz to 18 GHz) to SC1 for comment (Once Tim Harrington has reviewed) Dan Sigouin Tim Harrington Due November 30, 2017

21 Motions Motion to approve C63.4 PINS
Motion to approve C63.5 Corrigendum Motion to approve C63.23 Motion to approve C

22 Interpretation requests
6 recent interpretation requests have been, or are being processed under SC1 1 has been posted

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