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Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator
Module 8: Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator Module 8 – This module covers the Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator.
Review objectives and procedures of Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator
When would “LZ Manager” be used? Review objectives and procedures of Transport Loaders Review worksheet that would be used to maintain records We will review the objectives and procedures of the Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator, when the Landing Zone Manager will be used and review the objectives and procedures of the Transport Loaders. We will also take a look at the worksheet that can be used to maintain appropriate records.
Review common responsibilities
Establish appropriate loading area for ambulances Establish routes of travel for incident operations Establish and maintain communications with Medical Communications Coordinator (MCC) Maintain records as required Ensure necessary equipment is available in ambulance for patient needs during transportation We will also review common responsibilities and talk about setting up the appropriate loading area for ambulances. We will discuss establishing appropriate routes of travel for the incident operations and how to establish and maintain communications with the Medical Communications Coordinator. We will discuss the records that need to be maintained during an incident and how to ensure that the necessary equipment is available in the ambulance when a patient is transported.
Request additional resources as needed (Transport Loaders, etc.)
Request additional transportation resources as appropriate through Staging Area Manager Provide inventory of medical supplies available at ambulance staging area for use at scene Request additional resources as needed (Transport Loaders, etc.) Ensure proper coordination is maintained with Staging Area Manager An air and ambulance coordinator needs to know how to request additional transportation resources and provide an inventory of medical supplies that are available to the ambulances. We will discuss Transport Loaders and how everything needs to be coordinated with the Staging Area Manager.
Procedures Locate Transportation Group Supervisor and receive information Establish position in ICS and identify visually with donning appropriate vest Obtain appropriate worksheets and maintain as needed Designate ingress and egress of units Determine Landing Zone Provide directions to hospitals The Air and Ambulance Coordinator should find the Transportation Group Supervisor and receive a briefing. This position should be established in the Incident Command structure of the incident and the Coordinator should put on the appropriate vest. The worksheets should be obtained and maintained. Ways into and out of the incident scene should be established for the units. A landing zone should be determined. If necessary, directions to the hospitals should be given to the unit drivers. Regional Hospital Map Books are stored on the Medical Care Support Units.
Procedures Request air & ground ambulances
Coordinate transportation efforts with Medical Communications Coordinator and Transportation Recorder Track status and location of all transport units Ensure proper documentation is completed Collect all transportation records at end of incident As necessary, the Air / Ground Ambulance Coordinator will request the appropriate number of ground ambulances and medevacs. All transportation efforts should be coordinated with the Medical Communications Coordinator and the Transportation Recorder. The Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator is also responsible for tracking all transport units and keeping proper documentation, which includes collecting all of the transport records at the end of the incident.
Position may be filled to aid with Medevac operations
Once established - following procedures can be turned over to LZ Manager: Designate ingress and egress for Landing Zone Determine Landing Zone Request Air Ambulances Track status and location of all involved air ambulances The Landing Zone Manager position may be created to aid Medevac operations. If this position is established, the LZ manager will have all of the landing zone responsibilities, which were previously the Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinators responsibility. These responsibilities include: Designating ingress and egress for the landing zone as well as and acceptable landing zone location. Requesting air ambulances and tracking the status and location of the requested air ambulances.
Ensure patients selected for transportation are:
Cooperate with Treatment Dispatch Manager and Transport Recorder in maintaining transport records Ensure patients selected for transportation are: Ready for movement Loaded on correct transport unit Keep Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator informed as directed Transport Loaders will work with the Treatment Dispatch Manager and the Transport Recorder in maintaining the transport records. They will ensure that patients selected for transport will be ready to be moved and loaded on the correct transport unit. They will keep the Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator informed.
Obtain necessary equipment to accomplish task
Report to Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator to receive assigned patient information color code, transporting unit and hospital destination Obtain necessary equipment to accomplish task Remove and load patients as directed Monitor crew for rehab needs When Transport Loaders are assigned, they report to the Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator and receive patient information – such as color code of the patient, which transport unit they will be placed on and which hospital they will be going to. They are responsible for obtaining the necessary equipment to accomplish these tasks – such as stretchers, backboards, etc. They move the patients from the scene and load them as directed. The Transport Loader crew should be monitored for rehab needs since this can be a very strenuous job to fill.
In smaller incidents Transport loaders may be responders who were previously porters or may be crews assigned to that specific transport unit In larger incidents Transport loaders arrive later in incident and are assigned upon arrival order of their unit Sometimes in a smaller incident, the transport loaders may be the responders who were previously porters at the scene. Or, they may be crews that are assigned to the specific unit that will be doing the transport of the patient. In larger incidents, the transport loaders usually arrive later in the incident and are assigned as their unit arrives on the scene.
Check–off list of tasks needing completion
Here is the worksheet used by the Staging Manager and the Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator. The top portion is a check-off list of tasks that need completing – such as establishing appropriate ingress and egress for the units, requesting the appropriate units, etc. The bottom portion is an area where accountability can be maintained of the units. Area to maintain unit accountability
How do patients get from treatment to transport?
Red/Yellow/Green Treatment Unit Leader readies pt and contacts Treatment Area Manager & Treatment Dispatch Manager Treatment Dispatch Manager contacts Medical Communication Coordinator & informs them patient (and which treatment color) is ready for transport Medical Communications Coordinator assigns hospital to patient and relays information to Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator attaches pt to transport unit. Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator then assigns Transport Loader to go get pt from treatment area. Coordinator provides following information to Transport Loaders: Treatment color of patient, assigned transport unit, and which receiving facility they are transporting to. Transport loader team reports to Treatment Dispatch Manager in treatment area, relays information listed above, and retrieves the pt. Transport loader delivers pt via Transport Recorder, who will retrieve Transport Record Tag from bottom of COG Disaster Tag, to specified transport unit and passes along pertinent information to transport unit. The flow of communications on how patients get from treatment to transportation is as follows: The Treatment Dispatch Manager, who is located in the treatment area, will receive information from the red, yellow, or green Treatment Area Manager that a patient is ready for transport. The Treatment Dispatch Manager will then pass along this information to the Medical Communications Coordinator who will attach that treatment color patient to the appropriate receiving facility. The Medical Communications Coordinator will then pass this information to the Air / Ground Ambulance Coordinator who will assign the transport unit and Transport Loaders. The Transport Loaders will then take this information, which is the treatment color of the patient, the hospital that patient is being transported to, and the transport unit that will be transporting the pt and go to the treatment area. The Transport Loaders will meet with the Treatment Dispatch Manager in the treatment area and relay which treatment color pt they are picking up, what transport unit the patient will be going on, and what facility they are transporting the patient to. The Transport Loaders will then take that person to the transportation area. The Transport Loaders will stop by the Transport Recorder, who is the gate keeper, and give the Transport Recorder the Transport Record Tag, which is located at the bottom of the COG Disaster Tag. The Transport Loaders will then proceed to the assigned transport unit and inform which hospital the patient is to be transported to.. 12
Objectives of Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator
Procedures of Air/Ground Ambulance Coordinator When would an “LZ Manager” be used Objectives of Transport Loaders Procedures of Transport Loaders The worksheet that would be used to maintain records To review: The Air & Ground Ambulance Coordinator is responsible for establishing where the ambulances and medevacs load their patients, how they travel into and out of the scene and communicating with the Medical Communications Coordinator. They need to maintain the appropriate records. They are responsible for requesting additional units, resources and equipment. A Landing Zone Manager may be used to assist with the Air & Ground Coordinator when multiple air units are going to be used. The Transport Loaders are responsible for getting the right patient to the right unit. The use of the worksheets helps to maintain the appropriate records and maintain accountability.
This concludes Module 8.
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