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Warm-up Complete this as a group on you Board. You have 15 minutes

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Complete this as a group on you Board. You have 15 minutes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Complete this as a group on you Board. You have 15 minutes
And why?

2 Rational Root(zero) Theorem
Objective: SWBAT find zeros of a polynomial by using Rational Root Theorem

3 Terminology: Solutions (or roots) of polynomial equations
Zeros of polynomial functions “r is a zero of the function f if f(r) = 0” zeros of functions are the x values of the points where the graph of the function crosses the x-axis (x-intercepts where y = 0)

4 Rational Root Theorem:
Suppose that a polynomial equation with integral coefficients has the root p/q , where p and q are relatively prime integers. Then p must be a factor of the constant term of the polynomial and q must be a factor of the coefficient of the highest degree term. (useful when solving higher degree polynomial equations)

5 Solve using the Rational Root Theorem:
4x2 + 3x – 1 = 0 (any rational root must have a numerator that is a factor of -1 and a denominator that is a factor of 4) factors of -1: ±1 factors of 4: ±1,2,4 possible rational roots: (now use synthetic division to find rational roots) (note: not all possible rational roots are zeros!)

6 Ex 3: Solve using the Rational Root Theorem:

7 Ex 4: Solve using the Rational Root Theorem:
possible rational roots:

8 Ex 5: Solve using the Rational Root Theorem:
possible rational roots: To find other roots can use synthetic division using other possible roots on these coefficients. (or factor and solve the quadratic equation)

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