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Psalm 35:1-6 ( Tune: Lord, Speak to Me)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 35:1-6 ( Tune: Lord, Speak to Me)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 35:1-6 ( Tune: Lord, Speak to Me)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 35A Music: Lord, Speak to Me, George Hews Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. Plead Lord, a - gainst con - tend - ing foes,
and fight with them who fight with me.

3 Take hold of buck - ler and of shield;
rise up and my de fend er be.

4 2. Draw out the spear and stop the way
a - gainst the men pur su ing me;

5 and to my soul in mer - cy say,
“I am sal va tion un to thee.”

6 3. Let those who seek to take my soul
them-selves be hum bled, shamed of face;

7 Let them be thwart - ed and turned back
who are de vis ing my dis grace.

8 4. Let them be chaff be - fore the wind,
Je ho - vah’s an gel driv ing them;

9 All dark and slip - p’ry be their way,
Je ho vah’s an gel chas - ing them.

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