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S5/6 Information Evening
SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE HIGH SCHOOL “Compassion and Hope” S5/6 Information Evening Welcome
We come to you Lord To be built into a spiritual house Founded on the rock of St Peter’s faith. May we prepare our minds for action, And carefully examine The life and teachings of Jesus your Son, So that our community may proclaim His mighty acts And love each other with all our hearts. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen. St Peter the Apostle. Pray for us.
Literacy & Numeracy 92.74% of S6 candidates left last year attaining both Literacy and Numeracy at Level 4 (2nd highest in 5 years) 76.54% of S6 candidates left last year attaining both Literacy and Numeracy at Level 5 (highest in 5 years)
Deprivation Levels West Dunbartonshire Council
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clydebank High School 19.9% 26.9% 13.6% 11.2% 6.1% 7.7% 10.3% 1.0% 3.1% 0.2% Dumbarton Academy 10.4% 11.1% 14.3% 16.2% 9.5% 11.8% 9.0% 5.5% 1.2% 10.9% Our Lady and St Patrick's High School 17.5% 19.6% 13.3% 7.8% 7.0% 7.1% 6.7% 4.3% 5.4% St Peter the Apostle High School 32.9% 21.0% 14.0% 9.8% 8.9% 3.8% 2.4% 1.5% 0.1% Vale of Leven Academy 29.7% 19.1% 14.4% 5.1% 0.6% 2.5% 7.3% 4.8% 0.3% WDC Secondary 21.4% 22.6% 12.4% 7.4% 5.6% 6.8% 4.1% 3.0% 2.3% 67% of our pupils are in SIMD deciles 1-3 Highest % in Decile 1 by far Lowest % in Deciles 8-10 PEF funding – notionally up to S3 but will support learning in the Senior Phase too
Leaver Destinations 95.43% of leavers went on to a positive destination, ie, work, training or further/higher education This figure is above our Virtual Comparator, West Dunbartonshire Council and also above the National figure 51.96% of S6 Leavers went on to higher education, again above our Virtual Comparator and a fantastic achievement given our SIMD profile This success proves that we have helped YP choose appropriate pathways leading to their chosen destination Recent LfL visit acknowledged all the work done around T and M
S4/S5/S6 SQA Performance – 5 Year Summary (Traditional National Performance Indicators)
SCQF Level 2011 (%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 5+ Level 5 (S4) 33 31 34 40 39 1+ Level 6 (S5) 41 46 48 59 68 3+ Level 6 (S5) 22 19 24 5+ Level 6 (S5) 9 7 8 12 14 16 1+ Level 7 (S6) 11 21 Slight dip in first measure but year on year progress prior to this so dip could be expected Huge sustained improvement in 1+ Higher Sustained improvement in 3+ Highers Huge and sustained improvement in 5+ Highers
Each pupil has personalised timetable – see Mr Campbell if any errors Each pupil must have candidate number to sit SQA exams Pupils should sign in outside the canteen Pupils should be on time Blue or black ink only (no gel pens etc) No bags/jackets/phones/smart watches/notes in the exam hall Procedures not followed: risk of having exam cancelled, and other exams cancelled for next 2 years Mobile phones: must be surrendered to the invigilator and must be switched off (not on silent) Good luck!
HIGH SCHOOL “Compassion and Hope” The S5/6 Experience Susan Aitken
Our Uniform
Why return for S5/S6? Your child should have valid reasons for returning: Build upon qualifications from S4/S5 Apply to UCAS for entry to university Experience community work placements Participate in vocational college course
To be the best they can be
Expectations in S5/6 Attendance, Timekeeping, Conduct Be prepared and ready to learn Growth Mindset Actively participate in the school and community Complete homework and meet deadlines To be the best they can be Attendance. It is imperative that students maintain high standards of attendance. Registration is the time where crucial information can be missed and it is important that they do not miss this. It is not permitted that they leave the building during their study periods. - Laptops, Chromebooks etc provided in order that they can research/ study etc It is now standard that employers/ universities and colleges are looking for more than results. Added extras such as volunteering, charity work is crucial to S5/6
Key Questions for Pupils
Are you making a positive decision to return? Have you thought about a career route? Are your choices realistic? Have you researched what you need? Have you looked at University/College prospectuses? Do you know how to seek out the support available to you? Results – Need to make sure pupils are in the correct subject level – setting up to fail. Knowing what is the correct pathway for pupils to ensure they pass at the right level instead of failing at the wrong level. WDC Presentation Police – 1 year Higher, 2 year Higher, Nat 5 in another subject? Ensuring that they know exactly what levels they need to take subjects to. For example, for many courses you must have NAT 5 Maths. This can be for courses that do not have any Maths content like Social Sciences. We have careers advisors located in the school library that are there to help students make informed decisions. Use My WOW and college/university prospectuses to research what is required.
Pupils will have no “Free periods” FIVE choices plus: RE Timetabled study classes Buddying - Tutors from S6 Work Experience Community Involvement College Placements . For S5 All pupils are timetabled for their study periods. They have been separated into a 5 higher and 4/3 higher and then mixed. This is to ensure that are various points of the year that pupils needs are met on a more individualised way.
Pupils will have no “Free periods” FOUR choices plus: RE Timetabled study classes (UCAS/Employability skills) Volunteering opportunities Buddying Caritas Mentoring/Peer Support Community Involvement College Placements All pupils MUST remain in school throughout the day . For S6: All pupils are timetabled for their study periods. They have been separated into a 5 higher and 4/3 higher and then mixed. This is to ensure that are various points of the year that pupils needs are met on a more individualised way.
Making informed choices
Tracking and monitoring – what’s the story? Realistic but challenging expectations Progression pathways (consider prior attainment) Jumps between N4/5 - Higher – Advanced Higher Face of Clydebank changing – local development – what jobs are going to be available? College - get ready for life after school Foundation apprenticeships
OPTIONS Partnership working
Work Experience: Laura Fairfield and Hillary Proverbs – Senior Phase Education Officers SDS – Norma Oliphant and Anton Gallagher (Careers)
College/Consortia Options
Wider programme than ever before Levels 4 (National 4) to Level 7 (Advanced Higher level) Varied choice from traditional vocational options such as Hairdressing and Motor Vehicle Engineering through to Professional Cookery and Airport Ground Operations and Cabin Crew Wider choice of Advanced Higher Options through consortia arrangements Competitive: Interviews will take place through May and June
Anton Gallagher
Developing the Young Workforce
Jill Connelly Maria McElhinney Coordinating the opportunities which become available for young people Making sure YP are directed and supported to appropriate opportunities
More information? Careers advice and opportunities
College Options – link from home page Careers and college information
Senior Phase Year on year improvements Staff expertise
Tracking and Monitoring WDC Presentation Policy Pathway planning Transparent approach shared with young people and parents to ensure each child reaches their potential We want YP to achieve the best they can- a curriculum that is full and challenging A/B entry Advice is given in the context of this WDC Policy – pathway based on prior attainment (all subjects), subject success statistics from WDC and National, T and M data, attendance % Over-riding – placed on highest course possible (where success is realistically likely) – this will be reviewed frequently and subject to contract Presenting Centre’s decision on course entry is final
Interviews – mid May With Pupil Support team Careers advice available
Research what young person needs for career path Parent should be present and involved in interview University/college prospectus available online and at the interview Sign up sheet for interview date (time will be allocated later) Only minor changes should be required once pupils receive their exam results Important that everyone is realistic about expected results and best pathway for next year
Case Study - Joe Where does Joe go from here? English – progress to Higher History – progress to Higher PE – progress to Higher Slightly weaker in Maths/Science but strengths in Literacy so consider an alternative course in Modern Studies at N5? College Course complete at level 5 – move to Diploma (or a different college course at level 5) S4 Results English B Maths low C History B Biology low C PE A College Course level 5
Case Study - Zoe S5 results Higher Mod Stud B Higher Biology B
Where does Zoe go from here? English – progress to Adv Higher Mod Studies achieved – alternative course in Higher Politics Zoe will require Maths at N5 so this must be studied in S6 (support available) In addition, Zoe must add to her experience so Work Exp in a primary school or a college course linked to Young People may be appropriate S5 results Higher Mod Stud B Higher Biology B Higher English A Nat 5 Art C Zoe has N4 Maths from S4 and would like to be a primary teacher
Case Study - David S5 results Higher Maths A Higher Biology A
Where does David go from here? Chemistry – progress to Adv Higher Biology – progress to Adv H Biology Maths – progress to Adv Higher English/History – perhaps an alternative H course such as Politics or Modern Studies In addition, David must add Work Exp in a hospital or some volunteering and should note that UCAS applications for medicine are early!! S5 results Higher Maths A Higher Biology A Higher English A Higher Chemistry A Higher History A David would like to study Medicine Very competitive All applicants have the grades – what else could David add to his application? Testing necessary for Law and Medicine and some Dentistry courses (UKCAT and LNAT)
Sources of advice
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