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PSAT Grammar Monomyth Speeches Beowulf Archetypes.

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Presentation on theme: "PSAT Grammar Monomyth Speeches Beowulf Archetypes."— Presentation transcript:



3 PSAT Grammar

4 Monomyth

5 Speeches

6 Beowulf

7 Archetypes

8 Grendel

9 PSAT Grammar Monomyth Speeches Beowulf Archetypes Grendel $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Round One should contain one “Daily Double” question. To insert the “Daily Double Screen”, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW  ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the “Action Settings” dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to “Daily Double Round 1”. Click OK 6. Now go to Slide “Daily Double Round 1” in this presentation, and follow the directions in the “Notes” section $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

10 US companies lost a yearly sum of $63.2 billion annually.
US companies lost a yearly sum of $63.2 billion annually.

11 What is redundancy? $100

12 One of the big reasons behind workers’ lack of sleep…

13 What is colloquial language?
What is colloquial language? $200

14 As long as companies continue to demand long hours from workers, and managers should champion napping…

15 What is delete “and”? $300

16 In light of the benefits not only to employees’ efficiency and again to their health and sense of well-being…

17 What is “not only…but also”?
What is “not only…but also”? $400

18 They have promoted napping throughout their workers…

19 What is among? $500

20 This scholar explained the theory of the monomyth in The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

21 Who is Joseph Campbell? $100

22 In the monomyth, this is the object that saves the day in the end and makes the hero the master of both worlds.

23 What is the elixir? $200

24 This is the name for the type of character that usually delivers the message to call the hero to adventure.

25 What is a herald? $300

26 This is the term for “escape” in the monomyth; it usually takes place as part of a chase scene.

27 What is flight? $400

28 The hero may receive a “succession” of calls, which means this.

29 What is a series? $500

30 MacArthur refers to a “holy mission,” which suggests this about their mission.

31 Who is that it is important?
Who is that it is important? $100

32 This is the way that the general establishes his authority.

33 What is that he says he represents those who fight in the war?

34 This is the name for when the tone of a speech changes.

35 What is a tone shift? $300

36 This is MacArthur idea for an approach to achieving peace.

37 What is a new approach to international relations?
What is a new approach to international relations? $400

38 This is an example of one technique that makes speech persuasive.

39 Multiple answers possible.
Multiple answers possible. $500

40 The name of the mead hall where much of the action of the poem takes place.

41 What is Herot Hall? $100

42 Grendel is descended from this biblical character.

43 Who is Cain? $200

44 The character Beowulf is best described as fitting this archetype.

45 What is the warrior archetype?
What is the warrior archetype? $300

46 Beowulf’s rival Unferth is aligned with a biblical villain because of this act.

47 What is the murder of his brother?
What is the murder of his brother? $400

48 The riddle “the whale road” – meaning the ocean – is an example of this literary device.

49 What is a kenning? $500

50 This hero is appealing but not too responsible, like Jack in Titanic.
This hero is appealing but not too responsible, like Jack in Titanic.

51 What is the charmer? $100

52 This heroic archetype is an “anti-hero,” but is charismatic, like Wolverine in the X-Men.

53 What is the bad boy? $200

54 This archetype is loyal and never lets anyone down.

55 What is the best friend? $300

56 This archetype is a villain that wants power at any price, like Jafar in Aladdin.

57 What is the tyrant? $400

58 This archetype is a villain who is a duplicitous double agent that talks behind people’s backs, like Iago in Aladdin.

59 What is the traitor? $500

60 This character explains the world to Grendel.
This character explains the world to Grendel.

61 Who is the dragon? $100

62 This philosophy is present when Grendel feels like there is nothing purposeful about life.

63 What is nihilism? $200

64 This philosophy is present when Grendel goes through a crisis of feeling alone.

65 What is existentialism?
What is existentialism? $300

66 This is a word Grendel uses to describe his 12-year war with the humans.

67 What is idiotic? $400

68 Grendel cries for his mother when he is in this.

69 What is a tree? $500

70 Final Jeopardy

71 The symbol of the Libra zodiac sign – the scale or balance – is represented by Grendel’s discussion of this object at the beginning of a chapter.

72 What is a boat?

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