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Dynamic Response Steady State Response: the part of resp. when t→∞

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1 Dynamic Response Steady State Response: the part of resp. when t→∞
Transient response: the part of resp right after the input is being applied. Both are part of the total resp. total resp=z.i. resp+z.s.resp. z.i. resp=“Output due to i.c. when input ≡ 0” z.s. resp=“Output due to input excitation when all i.c. are set=0 at t=0”

2 Typical test signal Unit step signal: Unit impulse:δ(t) us(t) 1 δ(t) t

3 Unit ramp: Unit acc. signal: r(t) t a(t) 0.5 1 t

4 Exponential signal: sinusoidal: 1 t

5 Unit step response: Unit impulse resp: In Matlab: step Matlab: impulse
H(s) u(s)= 1 s y(s)=H(s) y(s)=H(s) u(s)=1 H(s)

6 Time domain response specifications
Defined based on unit step resp. Defined for closed loop system






12 y(s) u(s) H(s)



15 90%yss tr≈0.45 10%yss ts ts tp≈0.9sec td≈0.35

16 ±5% ts=0.45 yss=1 ess=0 O.S.=0 Mp=0 tp=∞ td≈0.2 tr≈0.35

17 tp=0.35 O.S.=0.4 Mp=40% yss=1 es=0 ts≈0.92 td≈0.2 tr≈0.1

18 Steady-state tracking & sys. types
Unity feedback control: plant + e r(s) y(s) C(s) G(s) - + e r(s) Go.l.(s) y(s) -




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