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Atoms, Elements and Compounds

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1 Atoms, Elements and Compounds
Monday 16th November Atoms, Elements and Compounds Key Words: Atom Element Compound LO: Learn the difference between atoms, elements and compounds. Learning challenge Define the terms elements and compounds. Use particle diagrams to interpret atoms, elements or compounds. Extended challenge Write a formula equation. LIFELINES: READING: R4 TALKING: T1 WRITING: W2

2 Introduction Watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheet. BBC Bitesize –Introduction to atoms and elements

3 An atom is the smallest part of an element that can exist.
Each element is made up of a single type of atom which can not be broken down into anything simpler. Compounds are formed from elements in a chemical reaction. Two or more elements chemically bonded together which can not be separated.

4 Representing Elements and Compounds
This is an molecule – only one type of atom in the element. This is an element – only one type of atom. This is a compound – two or more elements are bonded together.

5 What can you see in this diagram?
How many atoms can you see in total? How many different elements are there? How many different compounds are there? Are there any molecules?

6 Counting Atoms and Elements
This is ammonia. Its formula is NH3. Is it a compound or element? Why? How many elements are there? How many atoms are there?

7 Counting Atoms and Elements
This is hydrogen. Its formula is H2. Is it a compound or element? Why? How many elements are there? How many atoms are there?

8 This is an alcohol molecule.
Is it a compound or an element? Why? What can you say about this molecule?

9 Elements All elements are located in the periodic table.
All have symbols to represent them. Homework: Create an element fact file for the first 20 elements. Should include: Name, symbol, use, description, state at room temperature, interesting fact.

10 Compounds and Equations
Video: Magnesium and oxygen Sodium and oxygen

11 Literacy Task Describe the differences between an atom, element and compound. Use an example for each one. An atom is the smallest part of an element that can exist. They make up all substances. Aluminium atoms make up the element aluminium. Elements are made up of only one type of atom. There are about 100 different elements and they all have a chemical symbol to represent them. For example the symbol for oxygen is O. Compounds are formed when elements are reacted together in a chemical reaction. They become chemically bonded together. For example, magnesium oxide is formed when magnesium is burned with oxygen.

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